Disheveled Baby

Disheveled Baby Patron

Favorite films

  • Apocalypse Now
  • Bones and All
  • Waves
  • Blue Collar

Recent activity

  • Child's Play


  • The Predator

  • All You Need Is Death


  • Only Lovers Left Alive


Pinned reviews

  • The Zone of Interest

    The Zone of Interest


    Oh, you enjoy gardening? That’s wonderful. Quite lovely. 

    Do you know who else liked gardening?

    The Nazis, that’s who

  • Dr. Giggles

    Dr. Giggles


    In honor of Mother’s Day I decided to watch my Mom’s favorite movie, Dr. Giggles.

    15 minutes in my sister calls and says our Mom’s favorite movie is not Dr. Giggles, it’s While You Were Sleeping.

    Well, I already started Dr. Giggles and I don’t even have access to While You Were Sleeping anyways and she says, “Well you can access it through my Amazon account” and I said “Oh that’s great, thanks a lot sis!” but I’m not really gonna watch While You Were Sleeping, is she fucking crazy? 

    No, I’m watching Dr. Giggles - in honor of Mom

Recent reviews

  • Tour de Pharmacy

    Tour de Pharmacy


    Hit&miss comedy mostly built on good cameos but some of the comic misses are big - the Lance Armstrong running “gag” was gag

    Not much investment at 41 minutes and I got some good laughs

  • The Barbarian Invasions

    The Barbarian Invasions


    It had been a while since seeing Barbarian Invasions, a smart film centered around a dying French-Canadian patriarch - it’s a little too “euro-cute” at times but that helps even out the very serious subject matter

    There’s a somewhat plodding pace with halting scenes that simply cut to black interspersed throughout, which is apropos because it seemed to mimic the experience of watching a loved one slowly die to terminal cancer pretty well - everything here is both very sad…

Popular reviews

  • Teen Wolf

    Teen Wolf


    Coach Finstock is the comic relief for me now that Stiles used to be when I was a kid

    But do you know what’s not funny? 
    Car surfing
    The CDC says that at least 58 people have died doing it since 1990

  • Midsommar



    People that bloviate about director’s cuts are obnoxious but I watched the director’s cut of Midsommar for the second time today and think some words are in order

    The director’s cut gets an additional 24 minutes to breathe with a meditative holding of shots that leads to a noticeably slower pace and what I perceived as a more naturalistic unfolding of the story

    The extra runtime also allows for some additional details/context in scenes and just one additional full scene…