

Is it me or did conceptually sound better as a video game? A game based on a world where humans can fight in 'Avatar' AMP Suits that have AI they can neurologically link to and develop their own personalities sounds like a fun time. Still, I think it would've worked as a feature film if that film wasn't so generic through and through. Narratively, it was cliche after cliche from the expositional introduction to the misunderstood genius lead to the villain revealing their masterplan to them saving the world last minute. Maybe they could've saved it by taking its time to do some world-building with some unique ideas outside the main premise or had some more elaborately crafted action sequences instead of the typical fast-paced, explosive CGI fare. Hell, they kind of touched on the man vs machine philosophical ideas so it did have the opportunity to expand on that too. Sadly, it did none of that and all wrapped up in a rather unimpressionable production on top. Despite all of that I will admit it does have its humor that lands, performances that are committed and a plot that keeps you invested. So, with all that in mind, all in all, unlike most who'll call this yet another derivative and forgettable (yet very expensive) straight-to-streaming film for me I see it as a promising sci-fi film that has its fair share of fun even if it isn't competently made as it's compelling premise deserved.

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