Jacob Peterson

Jacob Peterson Pro

Favorite films

  • Call Me by Your Name
  • Lost Highway
  • Walker
  • Alien

Recent activity

  • The First Slam Dunk


  • Blue Giant


  • Love Lies Bleeding


  • Longlegs


Pinned reviews

  • Touch of Evil

    Touch of Evil


    Not going to lie the amount of time it took me to go from "Is that Charlton Heston?" to "It is! Why does he look so dark?" to "Oh he's Mexican... oh shit is that brown face?" was way longer of a realization than I care to admit. Along with its ummm... shall we say dated portrayal of the Latino population its posterity has some questionability. However, if you can look past that what you'll find is that this has…

  • Dune



    If you think about "Dune" this moment has been a long time coming. Science fiction fans have long been waiting for the stars to align for it to finally have the adaptation it deserves yet was always considered nearly impossible to accomplish. The novel is 56 years old and while not a dense read IS indeed a lengthy one complete with intense spiritual themes to be meditated on and may just be the first piece of higher concept science fiction…

Recent reviews

  • Love Lies Bleeding

    Love Lies Bleeding


    To sum up this film I shall quote the great philosopher: Doge, “So lesbian. Much 80s. Very neon. Wow.” If that’s your vibe ‘Love Lies Bleeding’ is for you and if so chances are you’re probably a lesbian and this is your ‘Call Me By Your Name’. Or, at least, it’s the closest lesbian equivalent I’ve seen. From its aesthetic saturated in the glow of its time period’s neon and oily bodies to its cast that shall I say don’t…

  • Blue Giant

    Blue Giant


    The best way to describe ‘Blue Giant’ is imagine every anime narrative cliche, but just packaged in a film about a jazz trio. Wait, sorry, JASS trio (they thought they were so fucking clever). Normally, this wouldn’t really bother me. Hell, as someone who appreciates the genre I should have anticipated it! However, coming from a music background I found having the central character’s be a savant that everyone ohs and awes over to be cringe in its unrealistic nature.…

Popular reviews

  • One Crazy Cruise

    One Crazy Cruise


    Nickelodeon: Hey guys, we made a kid-friendly "The Hangover" for you

  • Stand by Me

    Stand by Me


    Rob Reiner is one of those guys that either makes incredible, timeless classics or he makes bombs you wish you could forget (sadly that's mainly his recent efforts) yet with this film I have to say it's his best. Based off a Stephen King's non-horror stories and with an all-star cast of Wil Wheaton, Corey Feldman and the late River Phoenix, this film perfectly grasps the understanding of childhood. Sure, I didn't relate at all to the adventures or even…