

Less shocked, more saddened by the annual Shyamalan discourse that usually ends up being vitriolic because *checks notes* his writing style doesn’t fit the mainstream Hollywood mold. It’s fine if it doesn’t work for you, but to insist that this man doesn’t know what he’s doing is more telling of your intelligence than of his. Those people are likely the same people who will criticize the credulity of Trap even after they celebrated a movie that revolved around the idea of an “anchor being”. 

I really enjoyed Trap, primarily through a lens of fatherhood and fandom. At times it feels overwhelmed by its own ideas and I am not sure if I was fully sold on Saleka, but the 1-2 punch of Hartnett and Mukdeeprom had me hollerin’ in my seat and that’s good enough for me. 

More thoughts on the podcast- Ep. 184- Trap

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