
Hana Pro

awkward bi disaster
works @ Národní filmový archiv
talks very poorly but very passionately about film

Favorite films

  • Moonlight
  • Pride & Prejudice
  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire
  • And Then We Danced

Recent activity

  • My Beautiful Man: Eternal

  • My Beautiful Man

  • 2gether: The Movie


  • Mr. Blake At Your Service!


Pinned reviews

  • The Holiday

    The Holiday


    My mom's friend sent a very strongly worded letter to the czech reviewer who has bashed this movie when it came out. She was like You don't understand that for us housewives/mothers we have maybe one day a year when we can go with our girl friends see a movie on our own and when we do, we want to have fun. So don't you dare bash this film that is doing exactly what we want it to do and is in fact a perfect movie for us for the holidays.

    watched @ tv

  • Moonlight



    maybe one day I will find a way to explain what I feel when I watch this film

Recent reviews

  • 2gether: The Movie

    2gether: The Movie


    2gether might have gotten me into BL shows but boy I know I would not be able to watch it now. It's too cringy and frankly at times homophobic. But I loved seeing all the side characters being now big stars of GMMTV. Seeing baby Love and baby Khaotung and Drake in a sleazy role. Mike and Gunsmile clearly enjoyed their roles very much. This was a good reminder of the show but it was also an absolutely pointless film since it basically just combined the story of the show.

  • Inside Out 2

    Inside Out 2


    I feel like the overall story idea of as you get older it gets messier is good but the execution was a bit weak imho. This was an anxiety story but the other added characters had basically nothing to do here. I kept forgetting what the little turquiose one was suppose to be. Also having the characters once again leave the control room while they go on a mission felt too much like repeat of previous film. I'd much rather…

Popular reviews

  • Before the Fall

    Before the Fall



  • The Door

    The Door


    I know this is like girls supporting girls sort of thing but all I kept thinking was GAY!