Guilherme Simões Reis

Guilherme Simões Reis

🚩 Né le 15 ventôse 187

Favorite films

  • Brazil
  • Pan's Labyrinth
  • The Constant Gardener
  • Requiem for a Dream

Recent activity

  • Toulouse-Lautrec, l'insaisissable


  • Estômago 2: O Poderoso Chef


  • Fighting with My Family


  • The Forsaken


Recent reviews

  • Toulouse-Lautrec, l'insaisissable

    Toulouse-Lautrec, l'insaisissable


    A very deep knowledge trip crossing Toulouse-Lautrec's art, French art in general and Parisian society during belle époque, and the artist's short and frentic life. It is very informative and interesting, bringing several elements, interviews, footage and, obviously, paintings and drawings. A very good way to pass just one hour.

  • Estômago 2: O Poderoso Chef

    Estômago 2: O Poderoso Chef


    Nice and inexpected sequel for brilliant film Estômago. Off course it is far from the astounding level of the original film from 17 years before, but it also entertains. It is more International, being a co-production Brazil-Italy: not only the food from Brazil and Italy appears "for export" (by the way, that is NOT the proper way of makeing caipirinha!), but also there are scenes in Italy and Sician mafia is highlighted. Although the script is sometimes too predictable, both…

Popular reviews

  • Cassiopeia



    Neither the most compelling sci-fi story, nor visually impressive in its 3D images, but extremely important for the history of cinema: the first full-made CGI film is Brazilian! Excellent Toy Story was finished before it was planned just not to be released after Cassiopeia. Anyway, Pixar used physical models for the toys, while all robots in Cassiopeia have been fully designed in computers... with a small budget! Watch it here:

  • 1994



    Netflix decided to waste time instead of making an important documentary. Important issue, nice footage, could be a good documentary... but it is a horribly edited and unfocused piece that aims to make spectators waste their time instead of just telling well that important story. It is boring even for politics affictionates like me. They made interviews with important people, such as former president Carlos Salinas de Gortari and guerrilla spokesman Subcomandante Marcos, but they could not capture useful quotes, leading to nothing.