Not the type of film I'd have imagined myself giving such a high score to but, honestly, at a time of such drought when it comes to big Hollywood epics, RRR was such a breath of fresh air. It does everything right and then some. I'm drawing from a small sample size when it comes to my own knowledge, but this is probably the most accomplished (live-action) action epic of the past almost 20 years, at least when compared to Hollywood.

Not only are the action setpieces amazing, but the narrative is inspiring and its emotional beats are incredibly resonant. Watching this at the cinema was such an exhilarating experience: people were clapping and cheering not because they saw their favourite IP show up on screen, but because of all the narrative payoffs, the well-choreographed spectacle, and just the sheer amount of fun and creativity poured into each scene. It's impossible to describe the scale and affectiveness of this film, you simply have to experience it.

I haven't been to the cinema in weeks due to general business, but this is the type of film I see myself watching again and again on the big screen. And you probably should too, despite the fact it's on Netflix. 3 hours will fly by like it's nothing.

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