

words in The Cut, Vogue, Bookforum, and elsewhere.

Favorite films

  • A Charlie Brown Christmas
  • The Garden
  • My Neighbor Totoro
  • White Material

Recent activity

  • The Wedding Banquet


  • First Reformed


  • I Used to Be Funny


  • Blood Simple

Recent reviews

  • No Fear, No Die

    No Fear, No Die


    the dance with the chicken… my heart

  • Longlegs



    I was really excited for this one. Waited a long time, patiently. It is good and yet… The first two thirds are amazing. Tense, scary, beautifully shot. A riff on Silence of the Lambs, some weird transphobia, stalker and stalked, maybe Satan. It never full commits to the supernatural (well maybe but not in a well though out way) or to the serial killer genre. In doing so it loses the thread with too much lore that does very little…

Popular reviews

  • Fat Girl

    Fat Girl


    "To me cinema is unhinged. It is crazy like an axe murderer is crazy." - Catherine Breillat at Film Lincoln 6/26

    I have watched nearly every Breillat film the past month, I'm obsessed. She is fascinating, violent, powerful, strange. She creates pure cinema, that is original striking images that stir something. Even when I find it hard to watch I am spellbound, the work of a great filmmaker. Fat Girl is certainly one of her-- if not her crowning-- masterpieces.…

  • Last Summer

    Last Summer

    I'm not sure one can say they enjoy a Catherine Breillat film, but that does not mean she isn't one of our most talented filmmakers. Her fairy tales and explorations of degradation and masochism rank up there in the modern film canon. Assigning them numbers seems absurd. Her work is vile, vicious, transgressive, in bad taste in an entirely different way from John Waters. There is little humor, mainly shadows. Here a woman falls for her step-son. She navigates consent…
