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The Substance

The Substance


This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

Conceptually, a movie has never been more timely. Through an incredible use of body horror, it visualizes an inner reckoning among women, what Demi Moore described in the Q&A following the film’s North American premiere as an “internalized violence against the self.” The Substance takes “we suffer for vanity” to an entirely new level, telling the story of an aging aerobics star, Elizabeth Sparkle (played by Moore) who is presented with a subscription drug that allows her to create a…




not a dry seat in the house

Eu passei um bom tempo achando que não daria certo, mas num determinado momento o filme ficou doido e depois mais crazy ainda e um pouco mais crazy mais. E eu gostei de ver Burton pirando com o que sabe fazer. Não sei se isso é PG-13 ou “R” na linguagem Hollywood de tons, mas as coisas ficam bem sombrias e absurdas. A sessão na presença de Burton e equipe no Festival de Veneza (fora de competição) passou com o…

Tim Burton's Auteur Periods:
1985 (Pee-wee's Big Adventure) - 1993 (The Nightmare Before Christmas): Burtoncore
1994 (Ed Wood) - 2003 (Big Fish): Exploring New Worlds
2005 (Charlie and The Chocolate Factory) - 2007 (Sweeny Todd): Burtoncore 2.0
2010 (Alice in Wonderland) - 2019 (Dumbo): Disney Dad
2022 (Wednesday) - Present: Burtoncore 3.0

to be fair I haven't seen most of the Disney Dad period as I kind of gave up post-Alice in Wonderland. This includes Wednesday. is it any good?…

If you think that a film about the life of a donkey cannot be moving and take your breath away, watch AU HASARD BALTHAZAR from 1966, and think again. The film by French master Robert Bresson on the topics of violence as well as compassion is one of those films that change the way you see the world.

Wim Wenders (excerpt from an introduction published on Acontraplus in November 2023)

For me, REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE is the archetypal coming-of-age film, and Nicholas Ray is the ideal director for such an undertaking, downright visionary at the beginning of a worldwide youth movement that was triggered by this film. Ray's entire empathy is with his young protagonists, and he knows only too well what their longings are, what they are rebelling against and how much they express their conflicts with clothes, gestures or their bodies. Of course, James Dean was the…

So I did a thing


I would give anything to see that 24 minute video of Nicolas Cage as Longlegs singing Happy Birthday