
coffee Patron

Favorite films

  • Yi Yi
  • Pain and Glory
  • Love Exposure
  • Out of Sight

Recent activity

  • Wolfs


  • Mr. Smith Goes to Washington


  • Wonder Boys


  • High Fidelity


Recent reviews

  • Wolfs



    almost fun enough that i might’ve been able to ignore the absence of compelling ideas and lack of style (what this needs) from Watts, but eventually it just ends by being kind of empty and stupid. not even ol Jon can make George Clooney sauceless, that’s gotta count for something i guess

  • Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

    Mr. Smith Goes to Washington


    Diz says I’m in love with you.

    a movie so bewilderingly earnest and hopeful about the past and future of America (in spite of its corruption) that you almost start to believe it too. funny and gorgeously staged and dramatic all in the same stroke, couldn’t breathe for the last twenty minutes. Frank Capra was a fuckin genius man. Jimmy Stewart in this is the hottest any man has ever been in history

Popular reviews

  • Men



    heyyy queen i saw your tweet about how men are trash and i just wanted to let you know that i agree. although i myself am a man, (i know, ugh) i am on your side. “one of the good ones” as some may say,

  • Saltburn


    most insecure movie of the year, never in my life have i seen a film so desperate to be perceived as transgressive and crazy without putting in the work to actually be transgressive or crazy (the period scene will blow your mind if you’ve never had sex before). occasionally funny but loses any goodwill by the time it hits the remarkably smug, self-satisfied, idiotic ending. worse than a dumb movie is a dumb movie that’s convinced it’s smarter than you. criminally terrible use of MGMT too. Elordi, Grant, Pike all innocent