KND Code Module
Category Vehicle
Appearances Operation: A.F.L.O.A.T.

Mechanized Extra Giant Airship Resembles Aged Garage Excellently

The M.E.G.A.R.A.G.E. is a large KND vehicle in the form of a garage. Only seen in Operation: A.F.L.O.A.T., Sector V used it as their escape vehicle when they tried to attack the annual "We Hate the Kids Next Door Barbecue" held by Mr. Boss. When they see just how many villains are there, they retreated to the M.E.G.A.R.A.G.E. to escape. Mr. Boss taunts them for thinking that heading for his garage will help them, and then promptly realizes that he does not have a garage before its true form is revealed. The massive vehicle was then shot down during their escape, leaving the kids stranded in the middle of a sea of asparagus.
