KND Code Module
Operation: H.I.S.T.O.R.I.E.
Writer(s) Mr. Warburton
Penciller Maurice Fontenot
Inker The Iguana
Letterer Mike Sellers
Colorist Heroic Age
Editor(s) Rachel Gluckstern and Joan Hilty
Comic Book Cartoon Network Action Pack
Issue Number 19
Operation: S.T.A.T.I.K.

Hearing Incredibly Soggy Toiletnator's Origin Story Really Is Exciting

Operation: H.I.S.T.O.R.I.E. is the thirty-first Codename: Kids Next Door comic printed in the comic book series, Cartoon Network Action Pack, on January 1, 2008.


This comic story reveals the Toiletnator's past, and how he used to be a successful executive for Evil Adult Industries Inc.


Toiletnator's origin is revealed: he'd once been Lou Pottingsworth III, an executive for Evil Adult Industries Inc, before he was assigned by Father himself to become part of the company's operation to mass-produce their new vegetable: "asparagross".

But when the Kids Next Door attacked the factory building site, Lou hid in a porti-potty and was trapped in there for several days when it was knocked under a large mass of rubble, forced to eat nothing but urinal cakes.

There, he was visited by "The Almighty Protector of Potty" (some form of toilet god), who'd chosen him to be it's knight (the only reason being that he'd been the only one to use the bathroom in a while) and bestowed him with toilet-based powers, which he used to punish kids who wrote on the bathroom walls, misused toilet paper, and forgot to flush. It is also revealed that the Toiletnator is the long-lost twin brother of Numbuh 4's dad, Sydney Beetles...which means that the Toiletnator is Numbuh 4's uncle.


KND Operatives




2x4 Technology

Villain Technology


  • Lou Pottingsworth III was featured in the magazines: "Big Boring Business Magazine", "Pompous Moustache Monthly" and "Suit and Tie Weekly".
  • With this issue, every member of Sector V is now related to one of the KND's enemies:
    • Numbuh 1: Father and Grandfather
    • Numbuh 2: Grandma Lydia
    • Numbuh 3: Mushi
    • Numbuh 4: Toiletnator
    • Numbuh 5: Cree
  • There are a number of coloring errors in this comic:
    • Numbuh 362's clothes are colored wrong on page 5.
    • Numbuh 60's skin and hair is darkened and clothes wrongly colored on page 5.
    • Numbuh 93/44's uniform has the wrong color on page 5.
    • Operative C is also colored wrong on page 5.
    • One of the cadets from Operation: G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. is wrongly colored as Numbuh 2 on page 5.
    • Also on page 5, Numbuh 23 can be seen with wrongly colored clothes.
    • Every piece of 2x4 technology (save the G.U.M.Z.O.O.K.A. and one C.O.N.E.C.A.N.N.O.N.) are colored wrong on page 5.
    • Numbuh 1's weapon is deep blue in the large panel on page 5, but is then gray in the next panel.
    • Numbuh 14's clothes are colored wrong and her hair was cut short and colored brown on page 6.
    • Numbuh 42's clothes and cups were also colored wrong on page 6.
    • All of the 2x4 technology is also colored wrong on page 6.
  • Due to how the page was cut, only Numbuh 13's legs can be seen on the left side of page 5. His whole body is visible in the uncolored version.
  • For some reason, the Toiletnator's helmet and cape are colored gray and do not match the white color of his arm guards.
  • Operatives resembling Sonia and Lee can be seen, though their resemblance in more clear in the original sketch.
  • On the second to last page, Sydney and Lou's dialogues are in the wrong speech bubbles.


