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Using the WhatsApp Button block

Get messages from your site visitors by adding the WhatsApp Button block to your site. Anyone who comes to your site can click this button and send you a WhatsApp message to inquire about your product or services, or to ask for support.


The WhatsApp Button block is a part of the Jetpack Blocks suite. See our Jetpack Blocks article to learn about the available blocks and how to activate them.

Jetpack Blocks require the Block Editor (also referred to as the Gutenberg editor). If you’ve installed the Classic Editor plugin, you will need to switch back to the Block Editor either by:

  • Deactivating the Classic Editor: Go to PluginsInstalled Plugins in your WP Admin and deactivate the Classic Editor plugin.
  • Enabling both editors: If you prefer flexibility, navigate to Settings → Writing in your WP Admin. Set Allow users to switch editors to Yes.

See Using Blocks and the Classic Editor for more details.
It may happen that an editor that comes with a custom theme or plugin prevents you from using the Block Editor. In that case, please contact the respective plugin or theme author for further assistance.

Setting up the WhatsApp Button block

In order to set up the WhatsApp Button block on your site, follow these steps:

  1. Search for and select Whats App Button in the block selector. See Jetpack Blocks for detailed instructions on adding blocks.
  2. Enter the phone number that you use with your WhatsApp account.
  3. Customize your Default First Message. This is the message that will be sent to you when someone uses this button on your site.
  4. Use the Open in new tab toggle to choose whether a new tab should be opened when a visitor taps the button but does not have WhatsApp installed on their device.
  5. If you need to sign up for a WhatsApp account, you can do so here.

Block Settings

Every block has specific options in the editor sidebar, as well as options found in the block toolbar. 

If you do not see the sidebar, click the square icon to the right of the Jetpack logo in the top toolbar.

Color settings

In this section, you can customize the background color for your WhatsApp Button. There are four options: green, dark grey, light grey, and white. You can choose which one best matches your site’s color scheme.


The Advanced tab lets you add a CSS class to your block, allowing you to write custom CSS and style the block as you see fit.

Still need help?

Please contact support. We’re happy to advise.

Privacy Information

The WhatsApp Button block is activated by default. While there are no controls for it within the primary Jetpack settings area, it can be deactivated any time by following this guide.

Data Used
Site Owners / Users


We send an API request (HTTP) from your site directly to WhatsApp.

Site Visitors



Activity Tracked
Site Owners / Users


We track when you insert the WhatsApp button in the editor. For details of what WhatsApp tracks, refer to their Privacy Policy.

Site Visitors


We don’t track any activity. For details of what WhatsApp tracks, refer to their Privacy Policy.

Data Synced (Read More)
Site Owners / Users


The WhatsApp phone number and default first message are stored in the post content, and loaded for editing and display using an API and PHP.

Site Visitors




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