What is Vulnerability Scanning & How Does it Work?

Imagine waking up to find your website has been hacked overnight. It’s not a fun thing to picture and something no business ever wants to face. Thankfully, vulnerability scanning can act as a watchdog of sorts for your online presence. 

But what exactly is vulnerability scanning? And how does it work to keep your website secure? Here, you’ll learn the essentials of vulnerability scanning to demystify the process and show you how this tool — and how Jetpack in particular — can protect your website from potential threats.

What is vulnerability scanning?

Vulnerability scanning is an essential cybersecurity process that is designed to identify and assess potential weaknesses in a system, network, or application that attackers could exploit. It’s a proactive measure. That is, you implement this before a problem ever arises. 

And it involves using automated tools to scan and detect vulnerabilities. It looks for things like bugs in software, misconfigurations, and other security gaps that malicious actors could target.

At its core, vulnerability scanning provides businesses with a comprehensive look at how vulnerable (and, in turn, how protected) their systems are. And by regularly scanning their systems, businesses can pinpoint and address potential issues before they can be exploited. 

These scans can be performed internally or externally:

  • Internal scans focus on identifying vulnerabilities within an organization’s network.
  • External scans target systems and applications exposed to the internet. 

Vulnerability scanners can also perform both authenticated scans (which require login credentials) and unauthenticated scans, providing a thorough assessment of potential security risks.

The tools available vary in complexity and features, but more on that in a moment.

Why is vulnerability scanning crucial for website security?

Vulnerability scanning is a vital component of website security, serving as the first line of defense against potential cyber threats. But what makes it so essential? 

Here are a few reasons: 

It offers proactive threat detection

Vulnerability scanning allows organizations to proactively identify security weaknesses and deal with them before a hacker can exploit them. Through continuous monitoring, these scanners can offer an immediate head’s up for vulnerabilities. This means your business can stay ahead of potential threats and reduce the risk of a successful cyberattack. 

According to OWASP, regular scanning helps maintain a “robust security posture” by uncovering hidden flaws that might otherwise go unnoticed​. Having “eyes” on your systems, apps and networks at all times serves as the proverbial guard on the castle wall. 

It helps with compliance and regulatory requirements

Some industries have to abide by specific regulatory requirements involving site vulnerabilities. A few popular compliance frameworks include PCI DSS and HIPAA. But the best-known online is likely GDPR. Each of these require companies to perform routine scans to ensure that sensitive data is always kept secure. 

You’re responsible for the data that your website processes. And if vulnerabilities are present — and you’ve done nothing to identify or remedy them — you could be liable.

It’s a cost-effective security measure

Addressing vulnerabilities early through regular scanning is far more cost-effective than dealing with the aftermath of a data breach. A cyberattack that compromises customer information can cause significant financial and reputational damage. And if you run a small to medium-sized company, this damage could put you out of business. Paying for tools that can help mitigate risks is a much more cost-effective option.

It enhances incident response

Vulnerability scanners often provide detailed reports that highlight potential security issues. This makes it a lot easier to know what to prioritize in addressing vulnerabilities. It also means you’ll have a faster incident response rate, nullifying threats more efficiently.

It helps maintain customer trust

People have come to expect that their personal information will be protected. Regular vulnerability scanning helps ensure that your website is secure and maintains customer trust and loyalty. A breach can damage your reputation, leading to loss of business and customer confidence​. 

How does the vulnerability scanning process work?

Vulnerability scanning is a systematic process that helps businesses identify and address security weaknesses long before malicious actors ever find them. 

Here’s a breakdown of the key stages involved in the vulnerability scanning process:


The first step in vulnerability scanning is discovery. It involves identifying and recording everything connected to a network. The scanner examines the application, host, or network and identifies everything connected to it. This is super important because it ensures the scanner is aware of everything it should check in the future. 

A part of the discovery process involves enumeration. According to the EC-Council Cybersecurity Exchange, enumeration involves identifying each device on a host, open ports, usernames, directory names, and share names. Once completed, the scanner will understand the potential entry points for attackers​.


Once the discovery phase is complete, the scanner moves to the identification phase. Here, it looks for vulnerabilities in the identified assets. It does this by checking the software versions and configurations against a database of known vulnerabilities, such as the one available through WPScan.

But it might also look for outdated software, missing patches, software that’s configured incorrectly, and other security flaws that could be exploited. On a WordPress site, things like outdated plugins or themes, or those with identified security flaws, are pointed out in this stage. 


After vulnerabilities are identified, the scanner generates a detailed report. This report lists all discovered vulnerabilities, categorizes them by severity, and provides recommendations for fixing them. 

This type of report is super helpful, as it can tell you where to focus your efforts and how to address the identified security gaps. Such reports typically include actionable steps to take for mitigating each vulnerability. But at the very least, they include a list of what and where vulnerabilities were found. Then you can take prompt corrective actions​​.

Ongoing scanning

Vulnerability scanning is not a one-time activity. Rather, it’s an ongoing process. Regular scans are necessary to keep up with new threats that come along. And unfortunately, they will come along. WordPress core, plugins, and themes are all avenues for vulnerabilities to pop up, so automated, scheduled scans can help you maintain site security over the long term.

The different types of vulnerability scanners

As you might’ve guessed by now, vulnerability scanners come in various types, each suited for different aspects of an IT environment. The primary types include application, network, and host. 

Application-level scanners

Application-level scanners focus on identifying vulnerabilities within web applications, websites, and web services. They’re designed to detect issues commonly found within applications like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), malware, and other web-specific vulnerabilities. 

These scanners work by simulating attacks on the application to uncover security flaws that attackers exploit.

Here are a few examples of scanners that focus on application security: 

  • Acunetix. This tool offers web application security testing, including deep scanning for JavaScript and HTML5 apps.
  • Nikto. This open-source tool specializes in identifying vulnerabilities in web servers and applications, with a database of over 7,000 tests​​.
  • Jetpack. While Jetpack offers a range of features for WordPress sites, it’s especially known for its security capabilities. It includes tools like downtime monitoring, brute force attack protection, and automated malware scanning.
Jetpack includes tools like downtime monitoring, brute force attack protection, and automated malware scanning.

Network-based scanners

Network-based scanners identify vulnerabilities across an entire network. They scan all devices connected to the network, including servers, workstations, and equipment. And in doing so, they can detect open ports, misconfigurations, and outdated software. These scanners provide a wide-ranging view of a network’s security and a report of what needs to be changed to make the network more airtight.

If network security is a priority to you, a tool like Nmap is a good choice. It’s a widely-used open-source network scanner that works quickly and offers detailed information about network inventories, host availability, and open ports. 

Host-based scanners

And then there are host-based scanners, which focus on individual systems. These scanners examine them for vulnerabilities in installed software, operating system configurations, and security settings. And they can provide information about the security status of a host. With weaknesses identified, you can then go about fixing them. 

Nessus is a popular vulnerability scanner that covers a lot of territory, including networks and hosts. Once a scan is completed, it provides detailed reports on detected vulnerabilities and compliance issues. 

Advantages of using a vulnerability scanner

Adding vulnerability scanning to your cybersecurity strategy is a smart move and brings numerous benefits to the table. In fact, any well-rounded security plan needs to have some type of “lookout” or scanning feature to properly address threats — and to prevent them altogether.

While your team could attempt to regularly review all of your software and systems for vulnerabilities, it’s simply not a realistic (or effective) way to approach cybersecurity in the modern era. Here are the key advantages of using an automated vulnerability scanner:

Save time and money through automation

Automated vulnerability scanning saves a lot of time and money. Unlike manual scans, which are labor-intensive and time-consuming, automated tools conduct thorough scans quickly and accurately. And they’re entirely hands-off once set up. This means you or your team can focus on other critical security tasks or site maintenance.

And this is to speak nothing of the cost savings incurred by preventing attacks. Data breaches can be costly, so you save money on costs associated with fixing these issues and implementing new security measures, as well as legal fines and customer loss.

Benefit from frequently-updated vulnerability databases

Vulnerability scanners use extensive databases of known vulnerabilities, which are frequently updated to include the latest threats. This ensures that your systems are protected against the most current vulnerabilities. And it means you personally don’t have to keep tabs on the latest security threats

For instance, WPScan offers the largest catalog of known vulnerabilities related to WordPress. 

WPScan offers the largest catalog of known vulnerabilities related to WordPress. 

Protect your brand reputation and customer trust

Regularly scanning for and fixing vulnerabilities helps protect your company’s reputation and maintain customer trust. Data breaches and security incidents can severely damage your reputation and erode customer confidence over time. So if you demonstrate a commitment to security and data protection, you make your company look more credible to prospects and customers.

We guard your site. You run your business.

Jetpack Security provides easy‑to‑use, comprehensive WordPress site security, including real‑time backups, a web application firewall, malware scanning, and spam protection.

Secure your site

Jetpack Security: So much more than a WordPress vulnerability scanner

Jetpack Security offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to protect your WordPress site far beyond simple vulnerability scanning. 

Take a look at the key features that make Jetpack Security an essential tool for website protection — and why it can serve as your vulnerability scanning solution. 

1. Automated malware and vulnerability scanning

Jetpack provides real-time malware scanning, powered by the industry-leading WPScan database.

Jetpack provides real-time malware scanning, powered by the industry-leading WPScan database we mentioned earlier, ensuring continuous protection against threats. The scanner identifies and addresses potential vulnerabilities like out-of-date plugins. Then it tells you immediately what needs to be done to fix the found issues. Once configured, this is a very “set it and forget it” solution. 

2. One-click fixes for most issues

One of the standout features of Jetpack Security is the one-click fix option for many security issues. Once issues are discovered, you only have to click a button to fix them. There’s no diving into code required. This is great for those with minimal technical experience or limited time to dedicate to such processes.

3. Instant email notifications when threats are detected

Jetpack sends instant email notifications if any threats are detected on your site. This immediate alert system helps you stay informed about your website’s security status and take prompt action if needed​​. Again, the fact that you don’t have to log in into your WordPress dashboard to see if there’s an issue — you’re notified automatically — is another way it keeps your site free from threats.

4. A 24/7 WordPress website firewall (WAF)

The always-on web application firewall (WAF) provided by Jetpack helps block malicious traffic before it can reach your site. This firewall is a critical line of defense against common web threats, including brute force attacks and SQL injection​.

5. Real-time backups of your WordPress site

Jetpack includes real-time backup capabilities through the Jetpack VaultPress Backup feature.

Jetpack includes real-time backup capabilities through the Jetpack VaultPress Backup feature. Integrated backups help ensure that your site data is continuously backed up to the cloud. This way, if any issues pop up or vulnerabilities are found, you can quickly restore your site to a previous version — one without issues. Backups are taken in real time, so every new comment on a post, edit you make, or sale you score is saved immediately. You’ll never lose a thing.

6. Comment and form spam protection

Spam is another factor that needs tending to and Jetpack helps protect against this as well. It includes protection against both comment and form submission spam, and it’s all powered by Akismet. This keeps your site free from distracting spam comments and ensures that user interaction remains genuine.

7. Downtime monitoring

The downtime monitoring feature notifies you immediately if your site is down.

The downtime monitoring feature notifies you immediately if your site is down. This means you can address any issues — as soon as they arise — to ensure that your site is back up and running as quickly as possible. Downtime monitoring reduces the amount of time your site is offline, which means that fewer customers are likely to be impacted.

8. An activity log

Then there’s the activity log, which keeps track of all changes and user actions on your website.

Then there’s the activity log, which keeps track of all changes and user actions on your website. It records every significant event — things like logins, updates, and changes to site settings — so you can go back and review them later. This log can help you troubleshoot issues by providing a detailed history of what has occurred on your site​​. Should your site go down, or a vulnerability be discovered, you can then access the activity log to see what happened and when it happened to quickly diagnose the problem. 

Jetpack Security combines these features to provide an all-in-one security solution for WordPress websites. And since so many of these essential security tasks are automated, you can better focus on running your site while still knowing it’s protected from potential threats.

Frequently asked questions

You hopefully now have a solid understanding of what vulnerability scanning is, how it works, and how Jetpack can deliver this feature (and more). To wrap things up, let’s take a look at some frequently asked questions on the subject. 

What is the difference between a vulnerability scan and a penetration test?

A vulnerability scan is an automated process that identifies and reports potential security weaknesses in a network, host, or application. It uses databases of known vulnerabilities to detect issues, such as software that hasn’t been updated in a while or misconfigurations.

A penetration test, in contrast to a vulnerability scan, is an evaluation that simulates real-world attacks to make vulnerabilities known. Pen tests go beyond detection, aiming to breach security defenses to assess their effectiveness​.

What are the potential risks of not conducting regular vulnerability scans?

Not conducting regular vulnerability scans can leave your system exposed to threats. If weaknesses in your security are present, malicious actors can exploit them. And if left unattended, this can result in a data breach, as well as loss of income and a tarnished reputation.

What are the key features to look for in a vulnerability scanning tool?

When choosing a vulnerability scanning tool, look for features like a connection to comprehensive vulnerability databases, automation, detailed reporting, real-time monitoring, and quick remediation. This combination of features ensures that the tool can identify security risks automatically and provide suggested fixes that require minimal effort on your part to repair. 

What is a CVE score, and how is it used in vulnerability scanning?

CVE stands for “common vulnerabilities and exposures.” So, a CVE score is a standardized rating assigned to known security vulnerabilities. It helps you prioritize the severity of vulnerabilities based on their potential impact. Vulnerability scanning tools use these scores to categorize and prioritize identified issues, which makes it a more straightforward decision for you when figuring out which issues to fix first. 

What are the most common vulnerabilities found in WordPress sites?

Common vulnerabilities in WordPress sites include outdated plugins and themes, weak passwords, lack of proper configurations, SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and exposure to brute force attacks. 

How often should I run vulnerability scans on my WordPress site?

It’s recommended to run daily vulnerability scans on your WordPress site — and real-time scans are even better. 

Is Jetpack Security compatible with all WordPress versions, themes, and plugins?

Jetpack Security is designed to be compatible with the vast majority of WordPress versions, themes, and plugins. However, it’s always best to ensure that your WordPress core, themes, and plugins are updated to the latest versions. This will ensure your site remains compatible with Jetpack and will help prevent security issues​​.

Who developed Jetpack Security, and why should I trust them?

Jetpack Security was developed by Automattic, the people behind WordPress.com. Their expertise and reputation make Jetpack a reliable choice for securing your WordPress site​.

Where does Jetpack Security’s vulnerability database originate from?

Jetpack Security utilizes vulnerability data from WPScan. WPScan maintains a comprehensive database of known vulnerabilities specific to WordPress. This ensures that Jetpack can accurately detect and address all known security issues​​ in real time.

Where can I learn more about Jetpack Security?

You can learn more about Jetpack Security here. There, you’ll find detailed info on its features, pricing, and how to use the plugin to better secure your WordPress site.

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Jen Swisher profile

Jen Swisher

Jen is a Customer Experience Specialist for Jetpack. She has been working with WordPress and Jetpack for over a decade. Before starting at Automattic, Jen helped small businesses, local non-profits, and Fortune 50 companies create engaging web experiences for their customers. She is passionate about teaching others how to create on the web without fear.

We guard your site. You run your business.

Jetpack Security provides easy‑to‑use, comprehensive WordPress site security, including real‑time backups, a web application firewall, malware scanning, and spam protection.

Secure your site

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