How I decide what coffee to drink [Diagram]

Published on under the Coffee category.

I have been interested in learning how to use Mermaid over the last week, a text-based diagramming tool. Mermaid lets you write a text description of a diagram. As a programmer, this is appealing: I can define graphs in a strict language and change them as I do any other piece of text.

I thought what better way to learn more about using Mermaid than to make a chart that shows how I decide what coffee to drink! My coffee drinking patterns are fairly dependable. At home, on the average day, I will drink mainly espresso-based coffees, made using my espresso machine. When I am out, there is more variability: what I drink will depend on the time of day, whether I am in a rush, and whether or not I am in a speciality coffee shop.

While the chart does not encode all edge cases – and, of course, my mood may change occasionally and I decide to have another coffee than the chart indicates – this was a fun exercise.

Here is a chart that shows how I decide what coffee to drink in a given moment:

Am I brewing coffee at home, or am I on the go?
On the go
At home
What time is it?
Am I in a rush?
Black coffee, from anywhere
Make a flat white with your espresso machine.
Go to a speciality coffee shop for your order
Early morning
Early afternoon
Late afternoon
Am I in a speciality coffee shop?
Pour over
Black coffee
Single espresso, with a meal.
This isn’t the best time for coffee.
You can choose black coffee or a flat white.
Black coffee, or espresso
How I Decide What Coffee to Drink

I made this diagram using the Mermaid web editor. I referenced the default example and the documentation to describe my chart.

The Mermaid description for the chart above is open source.

What types of coffee do you like to drink? How do you decide what coffee to drink? I would love to hear from you, either in the form of a blog post published on your website or via email.

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