Announcing recipe syndication for Breakfast and Coffee

Published on under the IndieWeb category.

A screenshot showing Aaron's Habanero Sauce recipe syndicated on Breakfast and Coffee

Update (April 29, 2024): is no longer live as I seek to reduce the number of tools I run, but the code is still available on GitHub, licensed under an MIT license.

Breakfast and Coffee (b&c), a wiki that aggregates breakfast and coffee recommendations, is now over one year old. I published a blog post announcing b&c on February 3rd, 2022. Since then, I have syndicated most of my coffee shop recommendations to the wiki and have made a number of improvements. b&c has been the subject of numerous discussions in the IndieWeb community, resulting in new ideas on how to improve the site.

Today, I’m excited to announce that you can now syndicate recipes marked up with the h-recipe microformat to Breakfast and Coffee. h-recipe is a standard that specifies the structure of a recipe on a web page. This feature expands the scope of b&c beyond cafe and eatery recommendations, providing a where recipes pertaining to breakfast foods and coffee can be aggregated in one place.

The following screenshot shows part of a recipe syndicated from Aaron Parecki’s blog to b&c:

A screenshot showing Aaron’s Habanero Sauce recipe syndicated on Breakfast and Coffee

The syndicated wiki page contains the following pieces of information about a recipe:

  • The name of the food stuff that the recipe prepares;
  • The URL where it was originally published;
  • The date on which the URL was last syndicated;
  • The ingredients used in the recipe and;
  • The instructions on how to prepare the recipe.

If specified on a user’s website, the time it takes to prepare a recipe as well as the expected yield (i.e. how many portions will the recipe make, or what quantity of food or drink will be made at the end) will also be syndicated to the wiki. This information is all retrieved from the h-recipe microformat information published on a web page.

I’m committing to start sharing a few of my coffee recipes. I haven’t published many on this website yet, although I plan to do so. I have got a pretty good recipe with my Orea pour-over that works consistently, but I have not yet written it down. I invite you to syndicate your own breakfast food and coffee recipes to the wiki.

To syndicate a recipe to b&c, send a Webmention to Your web page should be marked up using the h-recipe markup.

I am excited to see the opportunities for aggregating recipes on the wiki. For example, there could be a page that aggregates all waffle recipes, or all coffee recipes. User profiles could include links to their favourite recipes. There is a lot of potential, but for now the recipe functionality itself is a big change!

The code for this project is open-source so you can follow along as I make incremental improvements.

Also posted on IndieNews.

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