Hands On With Google Data Studio - Book Cover

Hands On With Google Data Studio
Book Information

Helpfullee Business Services 

Helpfullee provides free guides and tips for services focusing on Google Data Studio.  
We help small businesses with marketing strategy and large businesses and agencies with reporting optimization.

Featured Data Studio Posts

How To Use Calculated Blended Fields In Data Studio

A step by step guide to walk you through a simple real world example! How, and why,  you would create a new field from two data sources.  

This long anticipated feature open up a wide range of possibilities for making smarter, more insightful reports with less work! 

This post was featured in the second official Google Data Studio Monthly Update!

How to share Google Data Studio Dashboards and Reports.

 9 common Data Studio sharing scenarios.  This post covers everything from embedding , to social media,  to full transfer of ownership.  Step by step guides for each case along with live embedded examples and support video. 

 This post was featured in the first official Google Data Studio Monthly Update!

How To Add Page Preview Screenshots to Data Studio Reports

Spice up your reports with dynamically generated page thumbnails!  How to use the Let's Validate image API and calculated fields to generated page thumbnails automatically!  Step by step guide and examples

Featured Small Business Marketing Posts

Free Local Marketing Dashboards For Small Business

Small businesses can harness data, but it has to be presented in a way that is clear, action-oriented and easy to access. Focused dashboards can help a business understand how they are doing and take action quickly and confidently. 

The two examples featured here are built with Data Studio and are free to copy.  They are designed for mobile phone use so they can be accessed quickly. 

Read more …..

How To Safely Add a User To a Google Analytics Account

When a business needs help with its web properties, it’s important to know the proper way to let someone view their analytics account. 

This is a simple guide to help business owners add a user to their account the right way.  We walk you through the process step by step and give advice if you get stuck along the way. 

What to watch out for if you had developers setting up your site and your analytics accounts. 

How to Add Users to Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a set of services that help site owners see how their site is interacting with Googles search services.  When a site owner needs help in understanding how their site is performing it is vital that an analyst can get access to this information. 

This guide is geared to non-techie site owners who need to grant access to their search console to other users.  Step by step instructions help you add users safely and prevent headaches in the future. 

Featured Free Resources from Helpfullee

Google Data Studio Resources Finder

Featured in the official Google Report Gallery!

Over 250 Google Data Studio resources and more!  This application helps you find posts, videos, and templates for data studio, and it also an example of a data studio report in action. 

All entries are reviewed and rated. You can search and filter by interest area, author, rating and experience level to find just the reference you need.  

Also included are a searchable twitter feed for current data studio related information and a historical feed that captures more than 25,000 tweets about data studio.  You can search these by key phrase and filter by date and author.   

“Just shared your data studio dashboard with our team and they’re really excited and playing with it. Wonderful resource!”

Rhea Drysdale

CEO, Outspoken Media

Small Business Site Trouble Shooter

Featured in Measure Matters Episode 12: Data Studio Report Showcase!

So Easy!  This data studio application can connect directly to your Google Analytics and Data Studio accounts and help you find issues with your site and your analytics setup.  

Step through the pages and see how your site is doing.  More than just a report, each section explains how to interpret the results and what you need to do to make your site work better.  

“Here’s what you should see, and if it is different, here’s what changes you have to make. That’s very cool! That’s like going out and getting a free consultant to sit next to as you run your report. Thank you to Lee for that, that’s why he’s called ‘helpful’!”

Louis Gray

Analytics Advocate, Google