Unleash The Written Word

People want to do more than read.

They want to listen.

AI Audio Creation

Built for Publishers, Writers, & Content Creators

Writing is hard, but creating beautiful sounding audio for your audience doesn't need to be. With our powerful Everlit AI pipelines, we put a priority on audio quality, workflow enablement, and monetization.

Wordpress Plugin

One-button click, seamlessly integrated with Wordpress, Newspack, and any other WP-compatible CMS.

Never leave your workflow again

Embedded Player

Our embedded player is opimtized for latency, accessibility and built to fit with any page design.

Put your audio and playlists anywhere.

AI Author's Voice

Leverage our AI pipeline to replicate your own unique voice, creating tracks with music, emotion, and more.

30+ languages supported with any voice and accent.

Audio APIs

Want to integrate Everlit into your custom CMS or build your own workflow plugins? Our API is ready.

Create your own audio workflows.

Embeddable &
Player &
Playlists &

Seamlessly add branded audio versions of your content.

Increase Time-on-Page by 120%-700%

With Everlit embedable players and playlists, increase your audience engagement and retention by adding audio to your website or app.

Emmy-Award Winning Background Music

Know More
30+ Languages Supported For AI + Cloned Voices

Do you Hear That?
It's The Sound of Your Audience Waiting

Finally an easy way to engage your people where they are, and give them an audio experience they'll love.

Email Us To Start Using Everlit Today
Audience Matters

Engage & Expand

Audio audiences are growing at one of the fastest rates of any media engagement. Everlit helps you reach them where they are.

What About Monetization?

Everlit has a full advertisment and monetization platform. Additionaly, with integrated Wordpress + WooCommerce, Premium content can be set as subscriber-only or require a particular product purchse. Reach out to learn more.

What is an Author's Voice?

Author's Voice is just our name for a clone of your, or your writers, voices. Create a brand following around the voice of your content or publication.

What Languages Do You Support?

We support over 30+ languages, including English, Spanish, Hindi, Bahasa, French, Germany, Portuguese, Italian,and more. With the help of our AI, we can clone and support any dialects you may need.

Where Can I Find More Information?

Head over to our Loom Support Videos to see how to get started, or reach out to us at hello@everlit.audio to schedule some time. We'd love to help you get started!

Interested in Joining? Let Us Know!

Or feel free to email us at hello@everlit.audio

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