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Back to school: An easy guide for the 2024-25 school year

Bookbag? Check. Marble notebooks? Check. As the kids head back to school for the 2024-25 school year, we’ve got you covered with a handy guide with key information for the upcoming school year. Plus, we’ve partnered with NYC Public Schools to share some of my own advice and wisdom gained as the mom to a…

Is your child ready to ride the subway alone? How to decide

Growing up in New York City is a very unique experience. We’ve got amazing cultural institutions, cuisines from all over the world, and it also happens to have the largest transportation system in North America. Many students rely on these buses and trains to get to school. This begs the age-old question: at what age…

MTA changes parents should know for the upcoming school year

The first day of school (September 5!) is less than a month away. As if adjusting to an earlier bedtime and morning routine isn’t hard enough, some of you will also have to prepare for a different commute due to service changes on some subway and bus lines. To help you plan ahead, we’ve compiled…

Back to school shopping in NYC without breaking your budget

It’s hard to believe that the first day of school is in less than a month, which means the clock is ticking to get everything you need for going back to school. The price of absolutely everything seems astronomical these days, so we figured you might appreciate this handy back-to-school savings guide. School supplies The…

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