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FurShows New Logo.png
Author(s) Owner: Fesothe
Launch date 3rd January 2017
Genre Cultural Archive / Streaming Service
Web PG
Web NC-17
FurShows Website
FurShows Video Archive

FurShows, also known as FS or FSH, is the furry fandom's cultural video archive, focusing on the promotion of videos, shows, movies, trailers, and notable fursonas, and is expanding it's services to include a streaming service, it also provides news updates on new movies and show releases of interest to the furry fandom which it shares through its blog, telegram, and on its Reddit.

The site was created on the 3rd of January 2017 by Fesothe as a cultural video archive on the furshows.com domain, it was moved to furshows.org on the 9th of April 2020 for further development. It is led by Fesothe.

The website spans four domains furshows.org and its shorter counterpart fursho.ws, as well as an advertising landing page/website at furryshows.com and a redirected domain furshows.com, it is currently still being heavily developed but is in a usable form, a BOT is being developed called Furry Observer that will function as a point of contact for the furry community to add and remove videos through tweets, and will perform another account, notice, and informational functions via DM's and replies.

FurShows joined the LOT Network alongside companies like Google, Amazon, Netflix, Twitter etc on the 19 April 2021[1]

In August of 2021 FurShows was listed as number 2 on the best startup website for the 19 top lancashire based video firms[2]


FurShows is not currently registered as a business by Fesothe, it was planned to be registered as a subsidiary of Furtainment Ltd[3] trading as FurShows a limited company on the 05 April 2023, it will be registered in Wikipedia:Bolton, United Kingdom, it is still currently under pre-development and is focused on developing the website, apps, mods, services and video content before it plans to register as a full legal business.


FurShows staff as of 2022 are no longer publicly published due to safety fears.




  1. "The Lot Network" - FurShows. Retrieved 15 August 2021.
  2. "19 top lancashire based video firms" - FurShows. Retrieved 10 August, 2021.
  3. "Twitter" - Twitter. Retrieved 19 June 2022.

See also[edit]

Language links[edit]

External links[edit]