Are We At A Fork In The Information Superhighway? - We are looking at an ongoing formation of the eCommunity (electronic community) via the intersection between sociology and technology. We (the whole species) shall create an environment of NATURAL trust from the grassroots to go with what the Internet Pioneers have facilitated in spite of the abuses. Engelbart and others of his caliber saw the good part of Human nature finding expression using networked computers wisely to build true community. The open democratic nature of the original protocols remains in the infrastructure underneath all of the garbage. The 'bad guys' cannot easily undermine that built-in value. (You can't fool all of the people all of the time.)

DTOM - Dialog and Transaction Object Model


The balance between open public dialog and closed private transaction is likely to emerge in the next few years not as a static set of standards but a dynamic adaptation of actual value and true worth to actual Human needs as commercial interests continue to propagate nonsense. The rising importance of collaboration is a consequence of conversations like these. Creating shared filters through intelligent dialogs out in the open like this will result in a confluence of openness and solidarity along with viable ecosystem services and new forms of currency as peer-to-peer networks grow into, not a totalitarian monster government to be feared but into a "metacommunity" of attention, trust and pervasively HUMAN affection. (love wins)

This protracted conversation remains relevant today [February 2002] and I don't see a conclusion. A continual forking of the system keeps the Draconian players from creating the dystopia they want even though the tools they need remain freely available. Cybernetic control will NEVER be centralised to that point because the shared visions and perceptions of good people will ALWAYS assert the effects of the unarmed truth speaking to power. The only indestructible, incorruptible and incalculable positive force in the universe is, was and always will be unconditional love. Of course we will ALL win in the end!


The past
The present

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    • Month:09
      • Day:23
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      • Day:1
    • Day:266
The future