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== Structure ==
Cratons have thick lithospheric roots. Mantle [[seismic tomography|tomography]] shows that cratons are underlain by anomalously cold mantle corresponding to [[lithosphere]] more than twice the typical 60-mile (100&nbsp;km) thickness of mature oceanic or non-cratonic, continental lithosphere.<ref name=SN24>Petit (2010) p.24</ref> At that depth, craton roots extend into the [[asthenosphere]].<ref name=SN24/> Craton lithosphere is distinctly different from oceanic lithosphere because cratons have a neutral or positive buoyancy, and a low intrinsic [[isopycnic]] density. This low density offsets density increases due to [[geothermal contraction]] and prevents the craton from sinking into the deep mantle. Cratonic lithosphere is much older than oceanic lithosphere&mdash;up to 4 billion years versus 180 million years.<ref>Petit (2010) p.25</ref>
Rock fragments ([[xenoliths]]) carried up from the mantle by magmas containing [[peridotite]] have been delivered to the surface as [[inclusion (mineral)|inclusion]]s in [[subvolcanic rock|subvolcanic]] pipes called [[kimberlite]]s. These inclusions have densities consistent with craton composition and are composed of mantle material residual from high degrees of partial melt. Peridotite is strongly influenced by the inclusion of moisture. Craton peridotite moisture content is unusually low, which leads to much greater strength. It also contains high percentages of low-weight magnesium instead of higher-weight calcium and iron.<ref name=SN25f>Petit (2010) p.25-26</ref> Peridotites are important for understanding the deep composition and origin of cratons because peridotite nodules are pieces of mantle rock modified by partial melting. [[peridotite|Harzburgite peridotites]] represent the crystalline residues after extraction of melts of compositions like [[basalt]] and [[komatiite]].
An associated class of inclusions called [[eclogite]]s, consists of rocks corresponding compositionally to oceanic crust ([[basalt]]) that has [[metamorphosed]] under deep mantle conditions. [[Isotope|Isotopic]] studies reveal that many eclogite inclusions are samples of ancient oceanic crust subducted billions of years ago to depths exceeding 90&nbsp;mi (150&nbsp;km) into the deep kimberlite diamond areas. They remained fixed there within the drifting tectonic plates until carried to the surface by deep-rooted magmatic eruptions.
If peridotite and eclogite inclusions are of the same temporal origin, then peridotite must have also originated from spreading sea floor ridges billions of years ago, or from mantle affected by [[subduction]] of oceanic crust. During the early years of Earth's existence, when the planet was much hotter, greater degrees of melting at spreading oceanic ridges generated oceanic lithosphere with thick crust, much thicker than 12 miles (20&nbsp;km), and a highly depleted mantle. Such a lithosphere would not sink deeply or subduct, because of its [[buoyancy]] and the removal of denser melt that in turn increased the density of the residual mantle. Accordingly, cratonic mantle roots are probably composed of buoyantly subducted [[Subduction|slabs]] of a highly depleted oceanic lithosphere. These deep mantle roots increase the stability, anchoring and survivability of cratons and makes them much less susceptible to [[tectonic theory|tectonic thickening]] by collisions, or destruction by [[sediment]] subduction.
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Earth's surface was probably broken up into many small plates with volcanic islands and arcs in great abundance. Small [[protocontinents]] (cratons) formed as crustal rock was melted and remelted by hot spots and recycled in subduction zones.
There were no large continents in the Early Archean, and small protocontinents were probably the norm in the Mesoarchean because they were prevented from coalescing into larger units by the high rate of geologic activity. These [[felsic]] protocontinents (cratons) probably formed at hot spots from a variety of sources: mafic magma melting more felsic rocks, partial melting of mafic rock, and from the metamorphic alteration of felsic sedimentary rocks. Although the first continents formed during the Archean, rock of this age makes up only 7% of the world's current cratons; even allowing for erosion and destruction of past formations, evidence suggests that only 5-40% of the present [[continental crust]] formed during the Archean.<ref>Stanley (1999)</ref>
One perspective of how the cratonization process might have first begun in the Archean is given by Warren B. Hamilton: