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Disagreements were threatening to get out of hand and many Bolsheviks, including Lenin, feared that the Party would splinter. The Central Committee was split almost evenly between Lenin's and Trotsky's supporters, with all three Secretaries of the Central Committee (Krestinky, [[Yevgeny Preobrazhensky]] and [[Leonid Serebryakov]]) supporting Trotsky.
At the Congress, Lenin's faction won a decisive victory and a number of Trotsky's supporters (including all three secretaries of the Central Committee) lost their leadership positions. Zinoviev, who had supported Lenin, became a full member of the Politburo while Krestinsky lost his Politburo seat. Krestinsky's place in the secretariat was taken by [[Vyacheslav Molotov]]. The Congress also adopted a secret resolution on "Party unity", which banned factions within the Party except during pre-Congress discussions. The resolution was later published and used by Stalin against Trotsky and other opponents.
At a meeting of his faction at the Tenth Party Congress in March 1921, Lenin said:<ref>See Document 66 ([[March 13]], 1921) in ''The Unknown Lenin''</ref>
:''I have been accused: "You are a son of a bitch for letting the discussion get out of hand". Well, try to stop Trotsky. How many divisions does one have to send against him? [...]''
:''We will come to terms with Trotsky. [...]''
:''Trotsky wants to resign. Over the past three years I have had lots of resignations in my pockets. And I have let some of them just lie there in store. But Trotsky is a temperamental man with military experience. He is in love with the organization, but as for politics, he hasn't got a clue.''
At the Congress, Lenin's faction won a decisive victory and a number of Trotsky's supporters (including all three secretaries of the Central Committee) lost their leadership positions. Zinoviev, who had supported Lenin, became a full member of the Politburo while Krestinsky lost his Politburo seat. Krestinsky's place in the secretariat was taken by [[Vyacheslav Molotov]]. The Congress also adopted a secret resolution on "Party unity", which banned factions within the Party except during pre-Congress discussions. The resolution was later published and used by Stalin against Trotsky and other opponents.
At the end of the Tenth Party Congress, Trotsky had to rush to Petrograd to organize and direct the suppression of the [[Kronstadt Rebellion]], the last major revolt against Bolshevik rule. [[Anarchism|Anarchist]] [[Emma Goldman]] has criticized Trotsky for his actions as Commissar for War and his role in the suppression of the Kronstadt Rebellion, and also arguing that he ordered unjustified incarcerations and executions of political opponents such as [[Anarchism|anarchists]], which, in Goldman's view, makes Trotsky's allegiance to socialism and communism highly questionable.[http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/Goldman/Writings/Essays/trotsky.html] Trotsky, however, frequently argued for revolutionary defensism, which states that revolutionists have a right to protect a revolution from counterrevolutionary violence. [http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/works/1917/1917-blood.htm]