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Integration: Commonly Asked Questions

How are ‘infinite-scroll’ pages supported?

For some sites, the model of one tracking pixel per pageload isn’t a perfect fit. This can happen if your site includes multi-page posts or galleries and you’d like each page of the post to send a pageview to This situation also arises for sites that use “infinite scroll” – one webpage that continuously loads new posts as the user scrolls down.

Instead, you can use the JavaScript API to manually send pageload information to The relevant call is PARSELY.beacon.trackPageView.

You might call this function when the user navigates to the next slide, or when they scroll down and a new article is loaded.

Is there a way I can track separate pageviews for each image in my image galleries, each article in infinite scroll, or each page in a muti-page article?

Dynamic tracking allowing you to see a traffic breakout for each of these cases! Special integration is required

Can I track downloadable files?

Yes! You can dynamically call a pageview and, if you purchased API access, you can send us metadata for that file. Learn more about how to Track Files.

How do I integrate on my mobile site?

In general, integration for mobile web is identical to integration for desktop browsers. See the basic integration instructions for details.

What about integrating on native iOS or Android mobile apps?

We have open source iOS and Android toolkits for integrating tracking on these platforms. To enable tracking for these channels, please contact your Account Manager.

How can I use the WordPress plugin to integrate with

Integrating with a WordPress site is as simple as installing the wp-parsely plugin. The initial installation depends on what your setup is.

Our WordPress plugin is open source and you can check it out on GitHub.

WordPress VIP

Enable the plugin through must use plugins (mu-plugins).

Enable the plugin through mu-plugins. Please contact support for more details. (self hosted)

Install the wp-parsely plugin normally from the WordPress plugin repository. We recommend turning on auto updates.

My site is built with WordPress. Can I still use dynamic tracking?

You can. Our WordPress plugin supports dynamic tracking, however; you’ll need to configure it yourself within your JavaScript.

Consult your account rep if you need assistance.

How can I troubleshoot my Cloudflare integration?

Cloudflare RocketLoader sometimes disables’s tracker. You can read more at “Troubleshooting a CloudFlare Integration”

Can track single-page applications, such as those built with React or AngularJS?

Yes, we can do so when you set up dynamic tracking. Specifically, you’d need to create an event listener that will fire a pageview pixel when a new article loads that includes the URL of that new article.

The new article’s URL should be reachable when pasted into a web browser, so that our crawler can fetch its metadata once we receive the pageview pixel. The metadata must be rendered server-side and appear directly in your page source, as our crawler can’t execute JavaScript.

Can track articles protected by a log-in or paywall?

We can; however, it requires some custom configuration on our part. Consult your account rep for more details.

Consult your Account Manager or contact for more details.

Last updated: August 15, 2024