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Your ears! Just look at 'em, Dumbo! Why, they're perfect wings! The very things that held ya down are gonna carry ya up, and up, and up! I can see it all now: Dumbo, the ninth wonder of the universe-- the world's only flying elephant!
―Timothy Q. Mouse[src]

Timothy Q. Mouse is the deuteragonist of Disney's 1941 animated feature film, Dumbo. He is a Brooklyn-accented mouse who becomes the guardian and mentor of Dumbo, the flying elephant.



In contrast to the soft and innocent nature of Dumbo, Timothy is brazen, fearless, and shrewd. Throughout the film, however, Timothy's primary goal is to make Dumbo happy and help him rescue his mother, showing a sympathetic quality despite his rough, stereotypically Brooklyn personality. He has a New York Accent.

Timothy acts as the much-needed protector in Dumbo's life, standing up for the saddened elephant when others attack him on account of his abnormally large ears. He cares for Dumbo and truly wants him to succeed in life, save his mother, and prove to the world that he is not some abomination. And with the determination that Timothy's famous for, the duo manage to accomplish just that. Not only does he acts as Dumbo's manager and motivator, but as his closest friend, and for a while, his only friend.

Timothy has a mischievous and cunning nature which is demonstrated when he frightened all of the elephants who bullied Dumbo, teased Dumbo with a peanut to lure him out of hiding, and posed as the ringmaster's subconscious to make Dumbo the main attraction. He also has a goofy side when he got drunk on spiked drinking water and spent the night playing with the giant bubbles blown by Dumbo.

It should be noted that all of Timothy's actions in the film are clearly driven by his sympathy for Dumbo. After seeing the poor elephant abused and shunned by the other female elephants, Timothy does not only stand up for him but takes the young elephant under his wing and sticks by his side throughout the entire film, determined to make him happy again and not once giving up hope. Because of their relationship and the absence of a paternal figure in Dumbo's life, Timothy has been cited by animation historian John Canemaker, as one of Dumbo's surrogate father figures.



In the film, Timothy appears after Dumbo's mother is taken away and locked up in solitary confinement. He eats out of a discarded bag of peanuts, looking with mild scorn at the other circus elephants while they gossip about Mrs. Jumbo and how she was locked away. They mention that they do not blame her and that it was all the fault of Dumbo, with "ears only a mother could love." Timothy voices to himself that he finds the ears cute, and watches as Dumbo approaches the other elephants, who give him the cold shoulder. The little elephant walks away sadly, and Timothy, upset by the elephants' cruelty, walks into their midst. Despite the danger that he could have been easily squished by the much larger creatures, Timothy boldly tells them off, and the elephants react in disgust and cringe at a mouse. Afterward, he goes to try to cheer Dumbo up, but the little elephant is also scared of him. After a failed attempt to bribe him with a peanut, Timothy earns Dumbo's trust when he says that working together, they may free his mother.


Timothy befriends Dumbo.

Timothy tells Dumbo in order to get his mother out, he must become a star. He struggles to think of an idea for it but fails until they hear the nearby ringmaster talking to one of his workers about an idea he has: the "pyramid of pachyderms" act, but he fails to think of a climax. Timothy, seeing an opportunity, goes to the Ringmaster while he sleeps and poses as his subconscious, tricking him into making Dumbo his climax by having him jump off a springboard and onto a platform at the top of the pyramid. The Ringmaster awakens, thinking it is his own idea, and does so. When the time comes for Dumbo to go out, Timothy ties up his ears in a bow to prevent him from tripping on them, and when Dumbo shows stage fright, he jabs him with a pin to make him run towards the springboard. On his run, however, the bow that Timothy tied up becomes undone, and accidentally trips over his ears and flies past the springboard onto the ball that the elephants are balanced on. The elephants lose control and roll wildly around the big top, the guests all fleeing before them, and Timothy watching the events with one eye covered. The ball rolls towards Dumbo, who flees, but trips again. All of the elephants go flying, injuring all of them, and breaking down the big top.

In the next town, the Ringmaster demotes Dumbo to a clown, putting him through a humiliating act. Even so, Timothy praises this, claiming Dumbo did a better job than the earlier debacle, helping him wash off the clown makeup. He then takes Dumbo to his mother's cage. They are happy to see each other, and Timothy looks on with contentment, but the visit lasts only a short time before Timothy must take Dumbo back to the circus grounds. Along the way, he tries to convince a crying Dumbo to pull himself together, telling him that crying would only give him the hiccups. Immediately after saying that, the elephant begins to hiccup, and Timothy leads him to a nearby bucket of water, into which the clowns dropped a bottle of champagne earlier in the evening. Timothy has Dumbo drink the water, holding his breath before swallowing it, and speaks of how they were going to turn their luck around all the while, stopping his speech only when he sees that the water failed to cure Dumbo's hiccups. Timothy looks at the water curiously, but falls in, emerging drunk several seconds later. The two amuse themselves for a short while as Dumbo blows bubbles from his trunk that Timothy frolics with, but then begin seeing Pink Elephants. The night's events are ambiguous as the Pink Elephants have their parade, but in the morning, elephant and mouse are asleep on a high tree branch, observed by a group of crows.

The leader of the crows, Jim (or Dandy) Crow, comes down to find out what they were doing, awakening the mouse. Timothy struggles with consciousness until the crow calls him "brother rat," taking offense to that immediately. Jim points out that they are in a tree, and Timothy anxiously goes to wake Dumbo. The elephant panics upon realizing that they are so high up, and both of them fall into a pond. The crows fall out of the tree laughing, and Timothy grumpily tells Dumbo to ignore them, and they begin heading back to the circus. Before walking more than a few steps, Timothy begins to wonder how they got in the tree in the first place, quickly rejecting the options of Dumbo climbing or jumping up. Jim jokingly suggests that they flew up, and Timothy is fast to jump on the idea, telling the surprised elephant that he flew, that his ears were perfect wings. The crows find the idea hysterical, and sing "When I See an Elephant Fly". An infuriated Timothy berates them and tells them Dumbo's story. The crows are moved to tears when they hear it, and Timothy turns his back on them before resuming his path to the circus. Jim stops him after a few steps, apologizing to him and offering to help Dumbo learn to fly. He quietly confides to Timothy that what they need is a little "psychology", and plucks a feather from Specks' tail before handing it to Timothy, telling him to use the magic feather. Timothy understands what he implies, that the feather is a placebo that should help increase Dumbo's confidence and make him fly again.

The crows push Dumbo to the edge of a cliff, where Timothy instructs Dumbo to begin flapping his ears like wings. It seems to do nothing but stir up a cloud of dust, but when it clears, Timothy looks down and sees that Dumbo actually is flying. The crows laugh with joy as they see that they had succeeded, and they and Timothy share a laugh at how the people at the circus were in for a surprise. Back at the circus, Dumbo is back in his act as a clown, poised at a very high platform. Timothy looks down at the watching crowd, encouraging Dumbo and saying that they were on the threshold of success. He confirms that Dumbo has the magic feather, and then instructs him to jump at his cue. As they fall, Dumbo loses hold of the magic feather, and Timothy panicky tries to convince him that it was just a gag and that he had the power to fly without it. He pleads for him to open his ears, and at the last minute, the elephant complies. Ecstatic, Timothy directs and watches as Dumbo shows his skills before the circus, paying back the elephants, clowns, and ringmaster for their treatment towards him. Dumbo's fame skyrockets and Timothy's last appearance shows that he has become Dumbo's manager, signing a Hollywood contract for him.

House of Mouse[]

Timothy on House of Mouse

Timothy in House of Mouse.

Timothy has recurring appearances on the television series House of Mouse. He appears with Dumbo, the crows, and the Pink Elephants and many other famous Disney characters.

In "The Stolen Cartoons", Timothy was the first of the house guest to question where is Mickey after Donald took charge of the club and was one of the first guests to leave alongside Dumbo. Timothy's most notable appearance is in "Mickey and Minnie's Big Vacation" where Donald and Daisy accidentally release the Pink Elephants and Timothy scares them away, saving the club.

In "Donald Wants to Fly", he, along with the Crows, unsuccessfully teaches Donald how to fly like with the "Elephants".

In "House of Scrooge", Timothy was forced to share his evening meal (one pea) with various other mice from Disney films, including Jaq and Gus, Bernard, Miss Bianca, and Ratigan.

In "Pete's House of Villains" he joins the others into saying "We want Mickey!".

Other appearances[]

Timothy and Dumbo make an appearance in the opening sequence of the 1950s television series Mickey Mouse Club.

In the Mickey Mouse episode "New Shoes", Timothy is seen riding Casey Junior along with Dumbo and the crows.

Timothy doesn't actually appear in the 2019 live-action remake of Dumbo, however, there is a homage to the character, an unnamed non-speaking pet white mouse of Milly and Joe, the son and daughter of Holt Farrier, the three of whom take the roles of best friends and father figure to Dumbo. The mouse is, in fact, dressed like Timothy here and also has two other smaller mice along with him. When Milly introduces Dumbo her mice, she explains to Joe that she does her experiments to know if Dumbo would adapt in being part of Holt's family. Later at the end of the film, a no-animal policy is used in the re-established circus as the mice and the other wild animals are released from the circus.

In Once Upon a Studio, Timothy appears during "When You Wish Upon a Star", with Dumbo, Marie, Berlioz, Toulouse, Duchess, Thomas O'Malley, Tod, Copper, Gurgi, Basil of Baker Street, Olivia Flaversham, David Q. Dawson, Flit, Mama Odie, and Boun as they surround Pocahontas as she sings. Timothy then joins in on singing the last line as the group photo is successfully take for Disney's 100th anniversary.

Disney Parks[]

Timothy Dumbo attraction

The Timothy figure as seen on the Dumbo the Flying Elephant attraction.

Timothy is yet to be a meetable character in the Disney theme parks, although his likeness is a staple with attractions and theming based around Dumbo. The most notable of this is the Dumbo the Flying Elephant attraction, which features a Timothy figurine at the high top of the structure. His voice (with newly recorded dialogue by Chris Edgerly) is also heard throughout the perimeter. Originally, the Timothy figurine held a whip, but it was later changed to the "magic feather".

Walt Disney World[]

Timothy is briefly seen in Disney's Hollywood Studios' version of Fantasmic!, during the bubble montage.

Tokyo Disney Resort[]

In Tokyo Disneyland's former parade, Jubilation!, Timothy was seen holding what appeared to be a small whip.

Hong Kong Disneyland[]

In China, Timothy and Dumbo lead off the daytime parade, Flights of Fantasy.

Disney Cruise Line[]

Timothy and Dumbo are represented by a statue that adorns the stern of the Disney Fantasy cruise ship.


The Disney Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Timothy Q. Mouse.


  • Timothy is the second "sidekick character" in the animated features, after Jiminy Cricket.
  • It is believed that Timothy is able to communicate with humans, as he managed to convince the Ringmaster about Dumbo's stunt and became Dumbo's manager at the end of the film.
  • Dumbo and Timothy are two of the very few Disney animated movie characters who get drunk.
  • He was a character that inspired people to create another mouse character almost like him, known as Mouse in Goliath II.
  • The animation of this character scaring the elephants was recycled for use in Goliath II for the scene with the Mouse scaring the elephant herd. However, unlike that Mouse, Timothy doesn't do it for gratification, he does it to defend Dumbo.
  • While trying to comfort Dumbo, Timothy says, "Lots of people with big ears are famous!" According to animation historian John Canemaker on the 2001 DVD release commentary, the line was recognized by audiences of 1941 as a reference to Clark Gable. The line was also featured in the original theatrical trailer.
  • Timothy is a replacement for Red the robin from the original novel. He was used because elephants are supposed to be afraid of mice.
  • No one in the film ever said this character's name; it was only shown at the end of the film where it is seen in writing. Timothy never even mentioned his name to Dumbo when meeting him for the first time.
  • The creepy shadow that Timothy makes when he is approaching the sleeping Ringmaster was a reference to the shadow scene from the 1922 film, Nosferatu.
  • When sliding down a bubble drunk, the laugh he makes is reused from one of Walt Disney's laughs he recorded for Mickey Mouse.
  • In a deleted song called "Are you a Man or a Mouse", it is revealed that he has a grandfather named Maxwell.
  • When Timothy was walking away from Dumbo, who was hiding in the haystack, he was whistling Casey Junior's theme.
  • Although Timothy doesn't actually appear in the live-action retelling of Dumbo, a white mouse dressed like him is seen briefly along with other two mice. It is also one of a few animals from the live-action movie that was not sold to the wild.
  • Timothy wears a band major outfit for much of the film except the very end, where a still shot of him is shown getting signed to Hollywood. In that, he is wearing a suit, derby hat, and as ascot with a jeweled tac, likely reflecting Dumbo's success.
  • In the Disney Dumbo book Timothy's big day, it shows that Timothy has a family consisting of 2 unnamed parents, 2 unnamed brothers & 2 unnamed sisters.
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Dumbo Logo
Films: Dumbo (soundtrack/video) • Dumbo (2019) (soundtrack/video)

Television: Mickey Mouse ClubDumbo's CircusHouse of Mouse
Books: The Art and Making of Dumbo
Video Games: Disney's Villains' RevengeDisney Emoji Blitz
Cancelled projects: Dumbo II

Disney Parks
Casey Jr. Circus TrainCasey Jr. Splash 'n' Soak StationDisney Animation BuildingDumbo the Flying ElephantGames of the BoardwalkSmellephants on Parade

Entertainment: AnimagiqueFantasmic!Once Upon a Mouse
Restaurants: Timothy's Treats
Shops: Casey Jr. Trinket Train
Parades: Disney's Dreams On Parade: Moving OnFlights of Fantasy ParadeFestival of Fantasy ParadeHappiness is Here ParadeJubilation!Main Street Electrical ParadeMickey's Storybook ExpressThe Wonderful World of Disney Parade (The Float)
Fireworks: Celebrate the MagicDisneyland ForeverHappily Ever AfterMagical: Disney's New Nighttime Spectacular of Magical CelebrationsMomentousOnce Upon a TimeRemember... Dreams Come TrueWonderful World of AnimationWondrous Journeys
Halloween: Happy Hallowishes

Original: DumboTimothy Q. MouseMrs. JumboCircus ElephantsRingmasterMr. StorkCasey JuniorPink ElephantsThe CrowsCircus AnimalsClownsSmitty

Dumbo's Circus: LionelFair DinkumQ.T.BarnabyLilliSebastianFlip & FlapLittle Bo PeepLittle Red Riding HoodBig Bad Wolf
Remake: Holt FarrierV.A. VandevereColette MarchantMilly FarrierMax MediciJoe FarrierMiss AtlantisRongoPuckPramesh SinghIvan the WonderfulCatherine the GreaterNeils SkelligJ. Griffin RemingtonSothebyHans BrugelbeckerRufus SorghumBaritone BatesCircus Cook

Look Out for Mr. StorkCasey, Jr.RoustaboutsBaby MineHit the Big BossPink Elephants on ParadeWhen I See an Elephant Fly
FloridaCircusDreamland Nightmare IslandWonders of ScienceMedici Brothers' Circus
The Magic Feather

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House of Mouse Disney
House of MouseMickey's Magical ChristmasMickey's House of Villains
Main Characters: Mickey MouseMinnie MouseDonald DuckDaisy DuckGoofyPlutoPeteMax GoofHuey, Dewey, and LouieClarabelle CowHorace HorsecollarGus GooseMortimer MouseLudwig Von DrakeMicrophone MikeChip and Dale

Recurring Guests: TimonPumbaaJafarIagoHadesMushuCri-KeeArielPrince EricKing TritonFlounderSebastianPeter PanTinker BellJiminy CricketPinocchioGeppettoBlue FairyBelleBeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChip PottsGastonLeFouDumboTimothy Q. MouseMad HatterMowgliShere KhanThe Three Little Pigs Cruella De VilChernabogMufasaSimbaGrumpyThe Evil QueenMagic MirrorAladdinJasmineCinderellaAnastasia TremaineDrizella TremaineLuciferMaleficentPain and PanicUrsulaBaby ShelbyGoat ManEmperor Kuzco

Season One: "The Stolen Cartoons" • "Big Bad Wolf Daddy" • "The Three Caballeros" • "Goofy's Valentine Date" • "Unplugged Club" • "Timon and Pumbaa" • "Gone Goofy" • "Jiminy Cricket" • "Rent Day" • "Donald's Lamp Trade" • "Donald's Pumbaa Prank" • "Thanks to Minnie" • "Pluto Saves the Day"

Season Two: "Daisy's Debut" • "Goofy for a Day" • "Clarabelle's Big Secret" • "The Mouse Who Came to Dinner" • "Max's New Car" • "Not So Goofy" • "Everybody Loves Mickey" • "Max's Embarrassing Date" • "Where's Minnie?" • "Super Goof" • "King Larry Swings In" • "Ladies' Night" • "Dennis the Duck"
Season Three: "Suddenly Hades" • "Pete's One-Man Show" • "House of Crime" • "Mickey and Minnie's Big Vacation" • "Donald and the Aracuan Bird" • "Goofy's Menu Magic" • "Music Day" • "House of Scrooge" • "Donald Wants to Fly" • "Dining Goofy" • "Chip 'n' Dale" • "Humphrey in the House" • "Ask Von Drake" • "Salute to Sports" • "Pluto vs. Figaro" • "House of Magic" • "Mickey vs. Shelby" • "House of Turkey" • "Pete's Christmas Caper" • "Clarabelle's Christmas List" •"Snow Day" • "Pete's House of Villains" • "Halloween With Hades" • "House Ghosts" • "House of Genius" • "Mickey and the Culture Clash"

Rockin' at the House of MouseMortimer MouseSoup or Salad, Fries or Biscuits, Extra Olives, DonutsBibbidi-Bobbidi-BooBig Bad Wolf DaddyA Parrot's Life for MeLet's Slay the BeastThe Ludwig Von Drake SongIt's Our House Now!The Best Christmas of AllGrim Grinning GhostsHumphrey HopEverybody Wants to Be a WoofI Wanna Be Like M-O-YouPink Elephants on ParadeMy Name is PanchitoBoom-Da-BoomWe Are the Three CaballerosMe the Mouse (and I'm the Duck) (Reprise) • Daisy CrockettThe Daisy Duckie RoomMinnie Mouse (in the House)
House of Mouse (night club)Toontown
Maleficent's StaffPoisoned AppleSorcerer HatJafar's Snake Staff

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Emoji Blitz Logo
Disney Emoji Blitz (mission tags) • Event listItem collections listAs Told by EmojiDisney Heroes: Battle Mode (chat section & Heroes Emoji Collection)
Disney feature films
Mickey Mouse & Friends: MickeyMinnieDonald DuckDaisyPlutoGoofySteamboat Willie MickeyRetro MinnieOswald the Lucky RabbitHoliday Mickey8-Bit MickeyHoliday MinnieHoliday PlutoRose Gold MinnieRainbow MickeyVampire MickeyWitch MinnieMermaid MinnieDeep Sea MickeyCrab DonaldFairy MinnieSeashell DaisyPirate Peg-Leg PeteBirthday Baby PlutoPeppermint MinnieGardener MickeyFlower MinnieWatermelon MinnieIce Cream MickeySoft Serve DonaldSea Creature GoofyPumpkin MickeyGingerbread MickeyChristmas Clarabelle CowGarnet MinnieRainy Day DonaldAstronaut MickeyAlien PlutoPine Cone PlutoPancake GoofyBlueberry Muffin DonaldPumpkin MinnieSanta GoofyPlatinum MickeyFashion MinnieSpring Flute MickeyWinter PetePlatinum DonaldPearl DaisyPlatinum MinnieAstronaut DonaldTopiary DaisyDapper MinnieDapper MickeyWerewolf GoofyMummy Donald

The Lion King: SimbaTimonPumbaaRafikiScarSpirit MufasaNalaShenziBaby SimbaZazuAdult SimbaPlatinum SimbaMufasaCarnelian ScarPatchwork Simba
The Little Mermaid: ArielFlounderSebastianUrsulaKing TritonPrince EricWedding ArielVanessaFlotsamAmethyst UrsulaRuby ArielScuttleKiss the Girl Ariel
Bambi: BambiThumperPretty FlowerApril Shower BambiFloral Ms. Bunny
The Aristocats: MariePearl Marie
Winnie the Pooh: Winnie the PoohTiggerPigletEeyoreRabbitHoney Bee PoohFlower PigletBunny TiggerBaby Chick EeyoreHoney Cake PoohSanta PoohRooLumpy HeffalumpCitrine Pooh
Pinocchio: Jiminy CricketPinocchioBlue FairyFigaroPlatinum Jiminy CricketSketch Blue FairyGeppettoMonstro
Dumbo: DumboTimothy MouseMrs. Jumbo
Peter Pan: Tinker BellPeter PanCaptain HookWendyNanaSmeeJohn DarlingSlightlyHoliday Tinker BellTopaz Tinker BellCaptain PanSpinel Peter PanPlatinum TinkerbellPrismatic Tinker Bell
Aladdin: The GenieAladdinJasmineJafarAbuRajahIagoMagic CarpetDisguised JasmineSnake JafarVacation GeniePrince AliAquamarine JasmineElephant AbuSultanBaby RajahRed Carpet GenieGenie JafarCave of WondersCelebration JasminePlatinum GenieTanzanite Cave of WondersRed Jasper Jafar
Alice in Wonderland: AliceWhite RabbitCheshire CatMad HatterCaterpillarThe Queen of HeartsDoorknobKing of HeartsLittle OystersHouse AliceRoseMarch HareMr. WalrusTweedle DeeOnyx Queen of Hearts
Cinderella: CinderellaFairy GodmotherGusPrince CharmingJaqLuciferAnastasiaDrizellaLady TremaineWedding CinderellaPink Dress CinderellaHoliday CinderellaIolite Fairy Godmother
Frozen: ElsaAnnaOlafSvenKristoffMarshmallowGrand PabbieThe Fire SpiritElsa the Snow QueenQueen AnnaDiamond ElsaYoung AnnaCitrine AnnaOpal OlafPrince HansSketch Elsa
Lilo & Stitch: StitchLiloJumbaScrumpAngelShaved Ice StitchRainbow StitchNani PelekaiPlatinum StitchCobra BubblesSapphire StitchPleakleyCaptain Gantu
Zootopia: Judy HoppsNick WildeClawhauserFinnickFlashGazelle
Beauty and the Beast: BelleThe BeastLumiereCogsworthMrs. PottsChipGastonEnchantressWinter BelleFancy BeastBookworm BelleMagical EnchantressZircon BelleLeFou
Moana: MoanaMauiPuaHei HeiGramma TalaTamatoaBaby MoanaTe FitiKakamora ChiefTe KāVoyager Moana
Mulan: MulanMushuCri-KeePingShan YuLi ShangThe EmperorReflection MulanRuby MushuMelanite Mulan
Tangled: RapunzelPascalFlynn RiderMaximusTiara RapunzelMother GothelWedding MaximusBaby RapunzelGolden Beryl Rapunzel
Sleeping Beauty: AuroraPrince PhillipMaleficentFloraFaunaMerryweatherWinter AuroraDragon MaleficentBriar RosePeridot MaleficentThe RavenYellow Diamond Aurora
The Jungle Book: BalooKaaKing LouieMowgliShere KhanBagheera
Fantasia: Sorcerer's Apprentice MickeyYen SidChernabogPlatinum Sorcerer's Apprentice MickeySpring SpritePlatinum Chernabog
One Hundred and One Dalmatians: Cruella De VilPerditaPatchWinter Cruella
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack SkellingtonSallyZeroOogie BoogieSanta JackDr. FinkelsteinThe MayorChristmas SallyMan-Eating WreathLockShockBarrelMoonstone Jack SkellingtonTourmaline Oogie Boogie
Pocahontas: PocahontasFlitMeekoPercyGrandmother WillowGovernor RatcliffeColors of the Wind Pocahontas
Big Hero 6: Hiro HamadaBaymaxPlatinum BaymaxHoney Lemon
Wreck-It Ralph: VanellopeRalphYesssFix-It Felix Jr.CalhounKing CandyPixel RalphPrincess Vanellope
The Princess and the Frog: TianaLouisRayDr. FacilierAlmost There TianaPrince NaveenPlatinum TianaCharlotte La BouffAventurine TianaMama Odie
Lady and the Tramp: LadyTramp
Hercules: HerculesMegPegasusHadesPhilZeusBaby PegasusBaby HerculesPainPanic
The Emperor's New Groove: KuzcoKronkPachaYzmaYzma Kitty
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: Snow WhiteDopeyMagic MirrorThe Evil QueenGrumpyThe PrinceSleepyDocWinter Snow WhiteThe WitchObsidian Snow WhitePlatinum Snow WhiteBashfulSneezyPurple Diamond Dopey
The Rescuers: BernardBiancaMadame Medusa
Robin Hood: Robin HoodMaid MarianLady KluckLittle JohnSir HissPrince JohnSheriff of Nottingham
The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad: Mr. Toad
The Hunchback of Notre Dame: EsmeraldaQuasimodoHugoFrollo
The Sword in the Stone: ArthurArchimedesMerlinMadam MimSugar BowlYoung Mim
Mickey's Christmas Carol: Bob Cratchit MickeyGhost of Jacob MarleyEbenezer Scrooge McDuckTiny TimEmily Cratchit MinnieGhost of Christmas Future Pete
A Goofy Movie: MaxVacation GoofyPowerlineRoxannePJ
Raya and the Last Dragon: RayaSisuTuk TukNamaariHuman Sisu
The Three Caballeros: JoséPanchitoCaballero Donald
Encanto: MirabelAntonioLuisaBrunoIsabelaPlatinum MirabelAlma MadrigalCamiloDoloresEmbroidered Mirabel
Bolt: Bolt
The Fox and the Hound: TodCopper
The Great Mouse Detective: Professor Ratigan
Pixie Hollow: SilvermistIridessaRosettaFawn
Treasure Planet: John Silver
The Black Cauldron: The Horned King
Oliver & Company: OliverDodger
Wish: AshaValentinoStar

Disney animated shows
DuckTales: Scrooge McDuckLaunchpad McQuackWebby VanderquackGizmoduckMagica De SpellHueyDeweyLouie

Darkwing Duck: Darkwing Duck
Rescue Rangers: ChipDaleGadgetMonterey JackDevil DaleAngel Chip
Gargoyles: GoliathBronxDemona
The Proud Family: Penny ProudSuga Mama
Kim Possible: Kim Possible
Adventures of the Gummi Bears: Zummi Gummi
TaleSpin: Talespin Baloo
Phineas and Ferb: Perry the Platypus

Monsters, Inc.: MikeSulleyRandallCeliaRozBoo

Toy Story: WoodyBuzz LightyearAlienJessieBullseyeBo PeepForkyRexDuke CaboomHammMrs. NesbitZurgLotsoPlatinum WoodyBunnyStinky PeteFluorite Buzz
Finding Nemo/Finding Dory: NemoDoryHankCrushBruceBaby DoryDestinyBaileyPearlPlatinum NemoDarla
Cars: Lightning McQueenCruz RamirezJackson StormMater
Inside Out: JoySadnessAngerDisgustFearBing BongRainbow UnicornSapphire JoyAnxietyEmbarrassment
Coco: Miguel RiveraHéctorDanteImeldaPepitaAlebrije DanteErnestoMama CocoDisguised MiguelPlatinum Miguel
Ratatouille: RemyAnton EgoAlfredo LinguiniAuguste Gusteau
The Incredibles: Mr. IncredibleMrs. IncredibleJack-JackVioletDashFrozoneEdna ModeSyndrome
A Bug's Life: FlikPrincess AttaHeimlich
Brave: MeridaYoung MeridaQueen Elinor
Up: DugRusselCarlKevinAlphaHeadphones Dug
Onward: IanBarleyThe Manticore
Soul: Joe22
Luca: LucaAlberto
Turning Red: Meilin LeeRed Panda MeiAbby ParkRed Panda Ming Lee
Lightyear: Captain LightyearSox
Pixar Shorts: Bao
Elemental: EmberWade
Alien Remix: Monsters Inc. AlienIncredibles Alien

Disney video games
Kingdom Hearts: SoraAquaCaptain GoofyRoyal Magician Donald
Disney live-action films
Pirates of the Caribbean: Captain Jack SparrowBarbossaDavy JonesElizabeth SwannPrison DogTia Dalma

Descendants: Mal
Hocus Pocus: Winifred SandersonMary SandersonSarah SandersonBinxBilly ButchersonYoung WinifredThe BookDani Dennison
Mary Poppins: Mary PoppinsBertJolly Holiday Mary Poppins
Enchanted: GiselleWedding Giselle
Jungle Cruise: FrankLily Houghton
The Little Mermaid: King TritonAriel
Cruella: Masquerade Cruella
The Santa Clause: Scott CalvinBernard the Elf
Maleficent: Maleficent

Disney live-action shows
The Golden Girls: Rose NylundBlanche DevereauxSophia PetrilloDorothy Zbornak
Disney Parks
The Haunted Mansion: Hatbox GhostMadame LeotaThe BrideHitchhicker Ghost PhineasConstance

Matterhorn Bobsleds: Abominable Snowman
Journey Into Imagination: FigmentSketch FigmentRainbow Figment
Main Street Electrical Parade: Electrical Parade ElliottElectrical Parade MinnieElectrical Parade Tinker BellElectrical Parade Cheshire CatElectrical Parade Blue FairyElectrical Parade GenieElectrical Parade Nemo
World of Color: World of Color Mickey
It's a Small World: It's a Small World
Space Mountain: Space Mountain
Disney Munchlings: Munchlings Cherry Tart Minnie

Disney Theatrical Productions
The Lion King: Broadway Mufasa
The Muppets
The Muppets: Kermit the FrogFozzie BearSwedish ChefMiss PiggyGonzoAnimal

The Muppet Christmas Carol: Bob Cratchit KermitMiss Piggy Emily Cratchit
Muppets Haunted Mansion: Madame PigotaGauzey the Hatbox Bear

Star Wars: ReyFinnBB-8Kylo RenLuke SkywalkerPrincess LeiaThe MandalorianGroguChewbaccaHondoFirst Order StormtrooperHan SoloR2-D2Cara DuneMoff GideonDeath TrooperPoe DameronC-3POBoba FettJabba the HuttAnakin Skywalker/Darth VaderQueen AmidalaDarth MaulFennec ShandAhsoka TanoJedi AnakinGeneral GrievousYodaLando CalrissianEmperor PalpatineGrand Moff TarkinK-2SOJyn ErsoCassian AndorObi-Wan KenobiGrand InquisitorWicketJedi Master LukeImperial StormtrooperBo-KatanCad BanePlatinum GroguSalacious CrumbBoushh Disguise LeiaRancorSabine WrenC1-10PMace WinduJar Jar BinksAdmiral AckbarHera SyndullaAdmiral AckbarEmerald YodaMeadow PadméEndor Rebel LeiaQui-Gon Jinn

Indiana Jones: Indiana JonesMarion RavenwoodHelena1969 Indiana Jones
Willow: WillowKit

20th Century Studios
Ron's Gone Wrong: RonBarney

Ice Age: ScratSidMannyDiego
Anastasia: Anastasia RomanovRasputin
Titanic: RoseJack
