Formulario de contacto 7


Formulario de contacto 7 puede gestionar múltiples formularios de contacto, además, puedes personalizar el formulario y el contenido de los correos electrónicos de manera sencilla mediante un simple marcado. El formulario soporta envíos por Ajax, CAPTCHA, filtrado de spam de Akismet y mucho más.

Docs and support

You can find docs, FAQ and more detailed information about Contact Form 7 on When you cannot find the answer to your question on the FAQ or in any of the documentation, check the support forum on If you cannot locate any topics that pertain to your particular issue, post a new topic for it.

Contact Form 7 needs your support

It is hard to continue development and support for this free plugin without contributions from users like you. If you enjoy using Contact Form 7 and find it useful, please consider making a donation. Your donation will help encourage and support the plugin’s continued development and better user support.

Privacy notices

With the default configuration, this plugin, in itself, does not:

  • track users by stealth;
  • write any user personal data to the database;
  • send any data to external servers;
  • use cookies.

If you activate certain features in this plugin, the contact form submitter’s personal data, including their IP address, may be sent to the service provider. Thus, confirming the provider’s privacy policy is recommended. These features include:

Recommended plugins

Los siguientes plugins están recomendados para usuarios de Contact Form 7:

  • Flamingo por Takayuki Miyoshi – Con Flamingo, puedes guardar en la base de datos los mensajes enviado mediante formulario de contacto.
  • Bogo by Takayuki Miyoshi – Bogo is a straight-forward multilingual plugin that does not cause headaches.


You can translate Contact Form 7 on

Capturas de pantalla

  • screenshot-1.png


Este plugin proporciona 1 bloque.

  • Contact Form 7 Insert a contact form you have created with Contact Form 7.


  1. Sube la carpeta completa de contact-form-7 al directorio /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins screen (Plugins > Installed Plugins).

You will find Contact menu in your WordPress admin screen.

For basic usage, have a look at the plugin’s website.


¿Tienes preguntas o problemas con Contact Form 7? Utiliza los canales de soporte correctos.

  1. Docs
  2. FAQ
  3. Support forum



16 de Septiembre de 2024
With each update, a new js file or ajax call appears to slow down the page. If only they were useful, but they are useless, and worst of all, any attempt to get support is ignored. Just search the forum for: …/feedback, …/schema (which is 0 bytes but takes 500ms every time), …/swv/index.js. And in the latest update, it now forces the loading of hooks.js and i18n.js
13 de Septiembre de 2024
Hi, Is there option to put reCaptcha invisible in that contact form?I have reCaptcha on all my pages, but can’t find out how it can be invisible.I apologize if my question is not correlated with Contact Form 7.
1 de Septiembre de 2024
What a useless developer. Can not reply to support requests!!!support/topic/add-a-code-to-validation-class-please
28 de Agosto de 2024
Coming from the 800 pound gorilla in the Wordpress contact form room (cough WPForms cough) that gatekeeps almost everything it can do beyond the simplest form in their paid form (and it’s not even a one-time fee, they want money constantly!) – Contact Form 7 is a welcome breath of fresh air. I was able to set up exactly what I needed within 30 minutes with the detailed help docs the author provided. Once I get confirmation from the rest of the folks in my org (we run a non-profit community cohousing building) we’ll definitely be donating $20-30 for the devs time. It’s so nice to see a truly free product out there – everyone should donate to thank the author.
3 de Agosto de 2024
Es hat zwar eine Weile gedauert, bis ich alle Funktionen – vor allem die, die ich benötigte – zu finden und einzurichten, seitdem funktioniert alles aber wunderbar. Ich bin sehr dankbar für dieses PlugIn. Zudem habe ich Advanced ReCaptcha eingefügt.
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