Meet the ‘Gravatar Enhanced’ Plugin for WordPress


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Meet the all new and improved Gravatar Enhanced – a plugin that brings more Gravatar goodness to WordPress while keeping privacy at the forefront.

What’s in the box? Let’s take a look inside:

Gravatar Privacy Shield

Your users’ privacy matters. That’s why we’ve built robust privacy features into Gravatar. We’re not in the business of tracking or selling data. Instead, we’re focused on helping you share only what’s necessary and curating your profile for the open web.

Our Privacy Shield features of the Gravatar Enhanced plugin give you control:

  • No referrer information: By default, your site won’t send referrer data on Gravatar requests. Even if sent, we don’t use or store it.
  • Opt-in proxy service: This extra layer keeps requests to Gravatar at a minimum and masks them. It’s peace of mind for you and your users.

These features are a direct response to feedback from the WordPress community. We’re committed to transparency and putting you in control.

Learn more about the proxy service here.

Gravatar Profile Block

Gravatar is evolving beyond avatars. Our new Profile Block lets you showcase user information anywhere on your site. It’s dynamic, it’s sleek, and it’s effortless.

Here’s what you get:

  • Avatars, names, bios, and links – all pulled directly from Gravatar profiles
  • Automatic updates whenever a Gravatar profile changes
  • No need for manual edits or giving WordPress dashboard access

Think of the possibilities:

  • Professional author bios without granting full site access
  • Team pages that stay current without your intervention
  • Enhanced user profiles for courses, memberships, and forums

Right now, the block displays a default card. But we’re cooking up something special. Soon, you’ll be able to customize both design and content.

Want a sneak peek? Check out these upcoming patterns we’re working on…

Once you’ve enabled the plugin, just look for the Gravatar Profile block in the editor to get started.

Additional Enhancements

There is more to the plugin that you will want to explore:

  • Hovercards are enabled by default to increase engagement and letting visitors see who an avatar belongs to
  • Enable email notifications to prompt commenters without a Gravatar to create one
  • Visit Users > Your Profile to change your avatar with the Gravatar Quick Editor
  • We ensure an alt tag of the display name is added to avatars whenever shown
  • We ensure the stronger SHA256 encryption is used

Watch this space, as there is a lot more to come soon!

Questions or feedback? Drop them in the comments below.

Get Gravatar Enhanced today.

Last modified on

2 responses

  1. Nick Avatar


    Just a quick question how the Gravatar proxy works? I understand that the Gravatar of an user is saved in the upload folder. Fine. What happens, if this user updates / deletes his / her avatar on

    How often does the plugin check, if the user’s Gravatar is still up-to-date or if it should be replaced / removed.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ronnie Burt Avatar

      Good question! By default, cached images are cleared on a weekly schedule, but the frequency can be changed using a filter.

      We just added more details to better explain this on the docs here:

      Liked by 1 person

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