Peering Policy originates all our prefixes from AS394353.

Our peering policy is generally open, although our time to add new peering is constrained by staff availability.

Our peering is subject to certain operational policies, which are detailed below:

Connection points

At our Core nodes, we accept all prefixes from IXP route servers, subject to a minimum size (IPv4: /24, IPv6: /48). We advertise all our prefixes to the IXP route servers. We encourage peering partners to use the IXP route servers to reduce administration overhead.

If you do not normally peer with the IXP route servers (due to your own policy), we encourage you to use the IXP route servers filtering communities to restrict prefix advertisements to our ASN.

We will also consider direct peering requests, provided your routes are not also visible via the IXP route servers.

Sites where we offer peering

Below is a list of our current connection points for which we support peering arragements:

  • scl: Santiago Chile - PIT Santiago - PIT Chile
  • iad: Virginia - Equinix Ashburn
  • ams: Amsterdam - Equinix Amsterdam
  • sin: Singapore - Equinix Singapore

If you have presence at one of these exchange points and would like to peer with us, please contact us.

Sites without peering support

These sites we cannot support peering due to their network structure:

  • lax: Los Angeles
  • mia: Miami