
Automattician Resource Groups

To support, deepen, and expand Automattic’s Diversity and Inclusion efforts, various Automattician Resource Groups (commonly known as Employee Resource Groups) have come to life thanks to efforts from passionate Automatticians. An ARG is a group of Automatticians that identify with each other through a shared characteristic or life experience — examples include (but are certainly not limited to) race, gender, age, sexual orientation, parenthood, and veteran status. ARGs are communities where colleagues connect with and support each other and work together toward common goals.

Here’s a snapshot of all existing ARGs.


Members of Automattic’s LGBTQ+ community launched this ARG in 2019 to empower community members within and beyond Automattic by creating and promoting resources, opportunities, and sponsorships.


Members of Automattic’s Black community launched this ARG in 2020 to create a community for Automatticians who are of Black African descent. We strive to learn, teach, and empower each other through sharing our experiences, creating networking opportunities, and helping to increase the presence of Black-centered and led innovations at Automattic.


Automatticians dedicated to and passionate about environmental sustainability launched this ARG in 2020 with a mission to serve as the voice of the living planet at Automattic. Focuses include: measurement and reporting of our environmental footprint, advocating for company-level climate action, educating employees about sustainability, and raising awareness of the impact of our business decisions beyond our direct activities.


Members of Automattic’s neurodivergent community launched this ARG in 2020 to support neurodivergent Automatticians, serve as a resource for Automattic at large, and promote the principles of neurodiversity.

Women of Automattic

Automatticians dedicated to promoting the professional development and advancement of women and female people of all genders, both within Automattic and in the larger tech community; to identify their needs at Automattic; to develop strategies and interface with leadership to help meet those needs; and to promote fellowship and friendship that fosters a sense of community and support.

Physical Disability ARG (PDARG)

Physically Disabled Automatticans banded together to form this ARG in 2020. Our mission is to serve as a launch pad, providing support, advocacy and resources to Automattic and physically disabled Automatticians. Ensuring that accessibility starts from within the organization.


Celebrating the non-alcoholic beverages that bring us together, since 2024. Providing support and community to members and allies of the sober community to ensure more inclusive in-person spaces.