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Triggers for logged-in users
A user creates a topic in a forum
  • Forum title
  • Forum ID
  • Forum URL
  • Topic title
  • Topic ID
  • Topic URL
  • Topic content
  • Number of times
Pro A user replies to a topic
  • Forum title
  • Forum ID
  • Forum URL
  • Topic title
  • Topic ID
  • Topic URL
  • Reply ID
  • Reply URL
  • Reply content
Triggers for everyone
A guest creates a topic in a forum
  • Forum title
  • Forum ID
  • Forum URL
  • Topic title
  • Topic ID
  • Topic URL
  • Topic content
  • Guest email
  • Guest name
  • Guest website
Pro A guest replies to a topic
  • Forum title
  • Forum ID
  • Forum URL
  • Topic title
  • Topic ID
  • Topic URL
  • Reply ID
  • Reply URL
  • Reply content
  • Guest email
  • Guest name
  • Guest website
Pro Post a reply to a topic in a forum
  • Action fields
  • Reply URL
Pro Post a topic in a forum
  • Action fields
  • Topic URL
Pro Subscribe the user to a forum

Sample recipes

Discover thousands of ways to improve your users' experience with bbPress

When users open a forum thread with a question, automatically reply with a response from OpenAI

When users post in any forum, send them a submission confirmation

When subscriptions expire, unsubscribe the users from a list

When users pass a quiz, add a tag to their contact

When users update their profile, save the new email in AcyMailing

When users reply to a specific forum topic, add the replies as comments to a Trello card

What is Uncanny Automator?

Your WordPress site uses plugins to add new features and functionality. Normally, these plugins are independent and can't talk to each other. Uncanny Automator connects plugins to each other so that you can create time-saving workflows that improve the user experience and save you money.

Have questions?

Find out how the Uncanny Automator WordPress plugin can save you time and money while making your site easier to use and more personalized
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