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Triggers and actions

Choose any combination of triggers to initiate any combination of actions. Combine triggers an actions from any supported integrations to create powerful recipes!


A user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a product

A user views a product

A user adds a product to their cart Pro

A user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for a variable product with a variation selected Pro

A user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order paid for with a specific payment method Pro

A user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a product in a category Pro

A user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a product with a tag Pro

A user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a quantity greater than, less than or equal to a quantity of a product Pro

A user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a specific quantity of a product Pro

A user completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a total greater than, less than or equal to a specific amount Pro

A user reviews a product Pro

A user reviews a product with a rating greater than, less than or equal to an amount Pro

A user's order status changes to a specific status Pro

A user's review on a product is approved Pro

A guest completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a product Pro

A guest completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a product in a category Pro

A guest completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a product variation Pro

A guest completes, pays for, lands on a thank you page for an order with a specific coupon Pro

A guest order's status is changed to a specific status Pro

A payment fails on an order Pro

A product has its associated order completed, paid for, or a thank you page visited Pro

A product has its associated order refunded Pro

A product has its associated order set to a specific status Pro

A product in a specific term in a specific taxonomy has its associated order set to a specific status Pro

A product is restocked Pro

A product variation is out of stock Pro

A product variation is restocked Pro

A product variation's inventory status is set to a specific status Pro

A product's inventory status is set to a specific status Pro

An order is partially refunded Pro

An order is refunded Pro

Receive data from Zapier webhook Pro


Send data to Zapier webhook

Add a note to an order Pro

Add a product to an order Pro

Change the price of a specific product to a new price Pro

Create an order with a product Pro

Create an order with a product with a payment gateway Pro

Generate and email a coupon code Pro

Get order details Pro

Set a specific order to a specific status Pro

Create tasty recipes!

Create a workflow automation that runs a Woo action when a Zapier trigger is completed (and vice versa). Add triggers and actions from other plugins to add even more automation. The only limit is your imagination.

What do I need?

Get started in 4 easy steps.



Set up and connect Woo.


Set up and connect Zapier.

Get Uncanny Automator

Get Uncanny Automator and install it.

Create your recipe

Create a recipe to connect Woo to Zapier using a simple but powerful interface. Turn your recipe on and watch the magic happen!

Popular Woo and Zapier integrations

Why stop there? Connect Woo and Zapier to many other plugins and services to create streamlined workflows for your entire site.

Connect Woo to Zapier

Don't work on your site—make your site work for you. Build your first workflow between Woo and Zapier in 10 minutes or less. Start saving time and money today.

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