DAC with benefits

Alithic removes and stores CO2 in one single patented
process with proven, scalable engineering

+ 5-15 x more resource efficient
+ in-built sequestration
+ valuable co-product

We believe commercial viability is the keystone of
building a gigaton scale carbon removal sector

Our carbon removal
process produces an
additional revenue
stream via our commercial
construction byproduct


Not only do we sell a high integrity carbon removals, but also a valuable construction product: an ASTM C618 certified low carbon cement alternative (i.e. a supplementary cementitious material)

We integrate removal and
permanent sequestration –
the stranglehold for most
carbon removal processes

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Alithic’s approach wraps carbon capture and sequestration in one single process. We remove and mineralize CO2 from the air. Then we leverage the cement industry’s existing supply chains to incorporate mineralized CO2 into buildings.

5-15 X More

Energy efficiency is a key challenge
for scaling DAC. Our patented process
avoids this struggle


Our DAC + mineralization uses a novel approach that regenerates the CO2 removal solvent during
the mineralization reaction. Therefore no additional energy is needed for solvent regeneration, the most energy- intensive step of DAC.

While new best-in-class DAC startups have reduced energy requirements to 600-800 kWh per ton CO2 produced from the air (against a theoretical minimum of 125 kWh), we achieve 170 kWh per ton CO2 both captured from the air AND permanently sequestered.

Alithic’s approach is a paradigm shift for carbon removal

Creating a solid base for impactful scale

See the benefits for:

Gearing up to deploy

We’re currently finalising our
US pilot, due to open 2026

Combining decades of industrial and scientific leadership:

Based at Brooklyn’s NewLab, Alithic
is a spinout from the major public research
University of Wisconsin-Madison.
It brings together senior scientists, with experienced
industrial and commercial leaders.


If you’re interested in our high integrity carbon removal credits,
or would like to find out more about how our process converts feedstock
into a supplementary cementitious material, please get in touch

contact us