25 Reviews
A promising first try, but in the future Stuckman will need better scripts
allmets-3855223 November 2019
I'll be honest, a lot of the gags here are pretty hackneyed and the plot is just a conversation in which the only real pay off is that the main character learns to steal ideas from his love interest rather than existing movies.

That said, the camera work is spot on and the acting (particularly from Newberry) is so good that you actually briefly believe these characters in this weird roller coaster of a script that bounces back and forth from emotional-to cheesy-to funny.

The gags are each various dressings for over the top Flickinger cameos and they are pretty funny the first couple of times. If the script didn't rely so much on them, they might have retained their humor throughout, but unfortunately it does, and they don't.

In the end, Stuckman will likely go on to bigger and better things and this weird entry will just be a footnote.
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Charming, Meta, and somewhat wayward
jackalman2225 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Been a longtime watcher/reader of Stuckmann's work. His love of cinema & storytelling is prevalent throughout this short. It's generally agreed that telling a complete and competent story in fewer pages is immensely challenging. While this film does stumble over its own jokes in the beginning, I think Stuckmann managed to capture a lot of heart in this dual-layered narrative.

On the surface we've got a writer attempting to write his next big movie while consulting a friend/colleague for workshopping notes. Underneath that surface is a piecemeal revelation of a man who recognizes that he's partially sold his soul to earn money by cranking out horrendous scripts, mourning the fulfillment he's given up while at the same time striving to make his way back to it. Throughout the process of the feedback he receives from Melanie, we learn more about his fears and wounds -- not only in terms of how he feels he's betrayed his own values, but in terms of a more existential dread that no one will remember him -- at least not for anything good.

That more existential dread of living, existing, and dying without leaving a poignant mark, I think, calls into question a conflict/fear that many people have -- especially people who find fulfillment in creating: wanting to be remembered, but fearing that they won't. A desire to create paired with a fear that what's created will be no good, and that the "no good"-ness of it will be what they're remembered for. As a relatively new filmmaker (at least from a filmography standpoint -- we all know Stuckmann's been Stuckmannizing since childhood), I thought this poignant theme was a hell of a bold emotion to showcase as a thesis of this film. Executing it with notes of comedy, drama, tension, and romance was ambitious and entertaining, although I'm not sure all of those notes landed.

This film is dripping with Stuckmann's voice and style. The interspersed absurd comedy that's also steeped in movie references, while fun, does at times detract from the more poignant themes of legacy and existential dread. The cutaways to various other films-within-the-film are downright hilarious (I love that Flickinger is in all of them), but I do think there were one or two too many.

I liked the chemistry between the two leads. I thought they worked well together, and I felt that the script demonstrated enough of their history while not leaning on or stumbling over it. For such a contained "bottle" of a story, it makes sense that much of the growth and revelations emerge through dialogue, however I felt that some of the dialogue was a bit spoonfeedy. What I would have liked more of would have been more moments of vulnerability from the characters, especially Joe. He embodies this hyped up screenwriter-type who's just so excited about pumping out a script and finding that next big thing, but it was when he was showing his own "laments" (paralleling the summary of the script he's writing oh so nicely) that I really felt invited into his mind and heart.

The earlier half of the film is infused with his zany energy that, while still part of him, prevented me from getting to know Joe more deeply. It was when Joe spoke about his past hurts (both professionally and personally) that I felt much more interested and invested in him. And I like that ongoing tensions within this now-broken relationship served as a bit of a catalyst for those vulnerabilities to emerge. What wasn't so clear in the film was why their relationship ended in the first place, and it would have been nice if this were explored in parallel with why Joe decided to go "path of least resistance" with his lowbrow scripts, and why Melanie ultimately distanced herself from him. I thought that particular theme (Joe's tendency to go for what's easy / skirt around the tough stuff) could have been explored more meaningfully.

A real strength of this movie is its use of momentum on all sensory fronts: music, dialogue, shooting. When excitement is injected into the story, or when lament swells up, the music matches...as does the camera work. All of these elements really coalesced to a solid package and appeared to work in sync with one another.

I want to talk about the "meta" components of this film. There's a risk in any story-within-a-story narrative that things can come across as too spoonfeedy or obvious. Overall, I felt the parallels worked without the film hitting us too over the head with them. Joe writing and explaining a script called the "Puppet's Lament" which serves as a reference to his own plight, which could arguably be applied to Stuckmann himself, is explored without being the punchline that anchors the entire story.

There's an exchange near the very end of the film between the two leads in which, while discussing the ending of Joe's revised script, a parallel is made between the "ending" of not only Joe & Melanie's arc, but of the short film we're watching as well. For a movie that is partially about writing, this was a risky thing to portray through dialogue. That being said, it worked for me. I thought it was executed with a lot of heart and sweetness, to the point where it left me smiling. I thought the note to end the film, i.e., the question that it leaves the viewer -- and Joe -- with, landed really well for me. It takes a lot for this to be conducted in such a way so as to not become cheesy, and I think Stuckmann -- oh dear lord -- stuck the landing of this ending really well. I don't think I've seen camera angles that tight on characters faces, but I thought it really captured the intimacy and closeness of that moment really well. Not sure if it was intentional (my guess = yes), but: the camera angles and distance of the shots were a lot father at the start of the film. As the story presses on and the characters reconnect, the angles get closer, exemplifying not only their reemerging connection, but the tension and closeness with which we experience these characters as well. Nice work!

Aside from some over-reliance on silly humor, some spoonfeedy dialogue, and some missed opportunities for depth, I thought this was a fun film with lots of ambition with something to say. Competently helmed and written, and executed in such a way that the parallel themes and dual narratives didn't stumble over themselves. Keep it up, Stuckmann.
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A Stuckmann fan, who says short was fine.
harrykivi29 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It goes without saying that Chris Stuckmann is one of the best movie critics online. I have been watching his channel for 2-3 years and loved his energy, passion for films. I would love to see him making horror features or whatever genre movies , but at first we -his fans- have to settle for shorts, which is not bad, I have made some short movies and sent them for festivals in my life. (Never won anything though :)

That being said, this movie review is going to be as honest as I possibly can, because what I have learned from Stuckmann , is: don't sugarcoat things. (And curse, if needed.) So let's start....

First, the good stuff.

. The movie is well shot, Chris definitely didn't disappoint with that.

. The excellent chemistry between Mason Heidger (Joe) and Katelynn Newberry (Melanie) is noticed from their characters and mimics. The suprise about their former relation was interesting.

. The script has some funny moments, which are legitimately hilarious. Referances to Nolan, Natalie Portman were nice!

. The music is wonderful. The composer has created thrilling and at the same time a charming tune.

. John Flickinger stole every scene he was in! This guy is so funny here!

But that's it about the pros. "Notes from Melanie" is an enjoyable film, but there are some things that need to be shared.

.First, the referances to "Drive", "Collateral", "Sixth sense", "Leon" felt bit too much. It seemed like a needless information that was thrown at us and made the character of Joe bit too hard to be true.

. Also the tone shifts here quite often. The scenes where Flickinger was in felt oddly different from the rest of this short. Not sure if these "bad movie showings" where needed in the first place, because their funniness took me out of this heartfelt story.

. Also, I don't want to be rude, but I wasn't sure about the acting in this one. Heidger and Newberry are not bad, that being said, bit one note. Heidger doesn't sell his character's energy for movies at first and Newberry doesn't come out of her "so called sofa", which felt as her protection shield some reason, but again: they are not bad, I have seen lot worse.

Overall a good try, Chris, but at times "Notes from Melanie" felt like a personal notes of your deepest thoughts. 6/10 HK
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Lacks originality but pretty fun to watch.
AhmedSpielberg9914 February 2020
The dialogue feels so formulaic and structured, but the film overall is far from boring: actually it's fairly amusing and quite fun to watch. The ludicrous, silly comedic bits - albeit frequently a bit too much - work well for the most part. The leads are really amiable, to be honest.

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An amateur short. A good one.
mattdurgin-2062129 December 2019
Take this for what it is: an amateur short with no budget. It is not Hollywood caliber by any means and it isn't supposed to be.

I was really surprised by the quality of the acting in this short. I was totally bought in to both characters.

The writing is decent. The over-the-top jokes (the cuts from fictional films) got a little tiresome, but the more subtle jokes in the dialog tend to land.

The camera angles took me out of this a bit and one left-to-right pan from character to character was particularly jarring. The tight close ups at the end also didn't work for me.

I noticed another review ripping the poor CGI in this... clearly this person missed the joke. It is supposed to be terrible.

I recommend taking the 20 minutes to watch this and imagine any one person making something so end-to-end tight. You might be as impressed as I was.

I watch Chris Stuckmannn's YouTube film reviews and I like his thoughtful analysis, but he never struck me as particularly funny or charismatic. After watching this film, I believe he really belongs behind the camera creating the show. Well done to him.
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marttito2423 November 2019
The acting was alright. The only thing I liked was the b movie guy that made me chuckle a few times. The rest was just meh, felt long because I had no interest what these two actors were talking about. Just my opinion.
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A fitting film for someone who clearly wants to get into the business
tvhost-4436922 November 2019
For years, Chris Stuckmann has given us some of the greatest movie reviews on the internet. His reviews are less reviews and more like breakdowns on the given films. With someone who clearly understands movies, I was curious to see what Chris Stuckmann was able to create.

His first short film reminds me that it's not easy to create a Hollywood picture. This main character reflects Stuckmann's desire to create movies and because of that we begin to relate with him. It's also touching and sweet, which is what these types of shorts should be. Great work Chris. We all love you.
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The Melanie character was shrill
oldchummer10 January 2021
I liked the bits showing the fake movies. The Melanie character seems perpetually outraged which made it very hard to watch. I like Stuckmann's reviews plenty and he seems to do camerawork very well, but he's not great at writing dialogue. He's a talented guy, so I'm sure he'll improve with time.
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I loved it.
jr218727 April 2019
Funny, heartfelt, and well-acted; I'm looking forward to seeing what Stuckmann, Heidger, and Newberry have to offer.
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Cringe Inducing On All Levels
jasonrichardsongoated23 September 2021
Going into this I thought, "Well he seems to know a lot about movies so this should be decent." Well turns out I was wrong. This movie is horrible. The first problem is the tone. It's like some kind of weird back n forth from awkward comedy to the serious path of a struggling film maker which is obviously Chris Stuckmann's film-making path put into this movie. I wouldn't mind the comedy if it wasn't spoken by two mediocre actors with no chemistry which points back to bad directing.

Last problem is its almost all handheld cam and if you pay attention hard enough you can see the camera shaking like someone is having a panic attack mid-scene. Really not needed and again bad directing choice. Only good thing I'll say is Flickinger's performance because it seems like he really wanted to show out for Chris. Other than that bad.
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A ok idea overshadowed by the painful script
ke7in23 November 2019
So, Chris Stuckmann is making movies now. Is good? well no not really, but is it bad? Yes, but for fixable reasons.

The idea of a screen writer needing to finally make a jump to making respected movies is one that can feel emotional to people who are writers, and in that lies the biggest issue with this movie. The script feels like it's tailor made for writers (which is an obvious stand in for Chris) and not much else. All the emotional scenes lose any sense of emotion when it revolves around characters you don't feel connected to. On top of that we go over 3 distinct feelings between the two characters that feel rushed given the short run time of the movie. If you've seen the movie you know these moments.

As for the good parts. The camera work isn't bad. It's nothing stylized or experimental, but for a low budget short film it works. The editing is solid leading to some fun moments from John as the D movie actor. The sound work isn't bad either, giving what could have been really bad audio to this film we actually have well recorded audio, so that deserves props.

I loved Chris for his videos for many years. So I want to see him get somewhere with his career, but that being said I think he should pick either being a film writer (in which he need to work on opening up his writing to a larger demographic and saving his passion projects for when he's finally made it) or being a film maker (in which he shows a lot of promise but really needs to find his style) and find a writer for his ideas.
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Really Good!
sethbohman22 November 2019
I am not usually a short film guy but this one was really good and it is nice to see Chris journey to becoming such a good filmmaker. Some of the acting is really good aswell.
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Stick to movie reviews, please and thank you!
Thatfilmdude937 April 2021
This is just horrible pretentious. Something that could only be created by the crazy bloated ego of a film critic playing film director for the day. The film reminds me of the something that would have been created by Smosh.

The gear used and the amount of crew for such a small film shows a true lack of skill sets and understanding a production budget.

Directing, lighting and set design is very bland. I rate this film a D-.

Stick to the reviews.

You been stuckmannized.
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Great job Stuckmann!
lisitsincaleb-4812222 November 2019
As a massive Chris Stuckmann fan, I'm very impressed with this short film that he created! The camera movements and the writing definitely show the stages of him becoming a great filmmaker! I can't wait to see what he has coming next! Especially with that feature he's been talking about! You go Chris!
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Deeply flawed. Needed a lot more work.
jzathajenious24 November 2019
Ok where do I start? Bad title. Actress was ok but the actor was awful. Script is bad. Most of the jokes fall flat. Dialogue is bad. Direction is ok but too much shaky cam. Way too much cheap hokie looking CG. So to summarise; its not good.

I cant help thinking Chris would tear this to pieces if he was reviewing it. If he wants to make genuinely good films he needs to give it 100% of his attention. This feels like a half assed side project inbetween reviews.
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As much as I respect Chris, I expected better.
Kdosda_Hegen10 April 2020
If you don't know the director is a movie critic, he has reviewed hundreds of movies on his youtube channel and Rotten Tomatoes. I really love his reviews, even through he's way too soft on most movies. The point is he has such a movie knowlegde, so I expected he'd use some of it to create a movie with fantastic plot and cheap (low budget) but genius tricks. Sadly, while this movie has some interesting writting, that's it. Story is very simple, the only thing it's worth watching are the dialogues and movie's somewhat style.

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One Of The Best Shorts I Have Seen
MovieBuff1173222 November 2019
Notes From Melanie is about a guy who doesn't have the best ideas for scripts. He tries to get some help from a bigger actor to help him make good content once again.

From when Chris Stuckmann announced this will be on his channel, I went crazy. Once I saw the announcement I couldn't contain myself. I decided to pull up Youtube on my computer I check it out. I have to say, I was impressed. I didn't really know how it was goin to be. Once I finished it, I was surprised. I thought the story was really good. I would like to see this stretched out into a movie. I think there is really great potential for this to be a solid movie. Maybe if he gets more money and does decide to make it into a full hour and a half film. I actually really enjoyed the score too. It was something I wouldn't think I would have liked as much as I did. A thing you can't not talk about is the acting. These smaller actors nailed their performances as the characters they played. The end I have so say was pretty solid. He did a good job of rapping up the whole film with a nice little bow on top.

Overall, Notes From Melanie was a great short film I would diffidently recommend. It is free on Youtube if you want to check it out too.
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Un-compelling nature to it.
M85ALIVE7 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Chris and his passion and charisma. He is truly a genuine guy who loves to talk about and make movies. But this short just didn't hit the mark at all.

The entire short hinges on the producer giving notes, right? And the writer's goal is to pitch an idea that is good enough to....what? What's the payoff? Getting someone to agree to something that doesn't hold the key to the payoff is a big mistake because we'll never see the final payoff, good or bad, to that goal.

From someone not in the exec position doesn't guarantee any success, it's a false win in the end, how do we actually know he has a script that is a success? Just because she, a low level producer says so? No? It's a false stepping stone achievement, there is no satisfying payoff, maybe that is why it's so underwhelming.

There are sort of status quo stakes for him as well, as in, if he fails his goal he doesn't really lose anything.

The reason they're uncompelling, I think is, the character can just essentially keep trying because there's nothing to lose, no price to pay, thus there is no real tension to any of it, unfortunately.

It is so un-compelling, especially someone where we cant see the payoff of his story idea, and it's stepping stone to something more compelling, actually making the film they want to launch their career as a writer.

It would of been great to see him be ridiculed by critics etc. And now have him take on the head of the studio instead to make something great and meaningful. Have her in the story for like a minute as a reminder to him how successful she is and an inspiration to him in his goal to pitch his idea to the exec's.

So, the more compelling thing was this guy rising out of the ashes of his hackneyed and borrowed ideas and making something great, the goal here is so boring and initial, beginning steps to that end goal.

It's like watching a film where John Mc laine goes through some obstacles to get to the limo that will take him to the Nagasaki building and then the film ends....no, show us him do the thing, take down the terrorists.

Show this guy actually take his great script and convince the executive producers to green light something great all the while knowing he is a hack, and have the stakes of he will be black listed if they don't like it. There's no stakes in this short. This goal of his is so beginning step in the long line of movie making and un-compelling, it just drags like hell.

If the interview of hers "threw me for a loop" show that, him in his office watching it and that be the start of the film. Montage of him writing a great script, his agent get him a meeting in a big studio, call Melanie and then she shows up as he's on his way to pitch to a legit studio. Then the main bit be him pitch a story to exacs who know how bad he is and if they don't hear something amazing, he's blacklisted, never work again in Hollywood.
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avyanmatt3 March 2022
This short is ok. I know Chris can do a much better job I just gave it a ten to cheer him up if he sees it. Can't wait to see Shelby Oaks when it comes out I really hope it's a great film.
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Typical Youtuber Vanity Project Garbage
mattbarneslegend22 May 2022
This movie is a complete waste of time and honestly the textbook definition of a vanity project. It stars some guy who's trying to become a big-shot director who's clearly supposed to be Chris Stuckmann and pitching ideas to a woman in the business in what clearly is a metaphor for Chris' current struggle to get into Hollywood.

Anyway the acting is subpar at best, the shaky cam is nauseating and incredibly unnecessary, and the whole plot in itself is a bit of a yawn considering it's figuratively Chris screaming through the camera "PICK ME HOLLYWOOD, I WANNA BE A DIRECTOR, PICK ME!!!" Honestly I could forgive all of what I just mentioned if the comedy wasnt so STALE. My god Chris you can't write comedy. Stop trying. No one clicks on anything Chris Stuckmann related because they want to laugh. You have the personality of a cardboard box. In conclusion 2/10. He gets 1 star extra because it takes serious determination to make a vanity project to this degree.
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Proof he's a talentless hack.
mduhn10 August 2023
This is proof that most film "critics" are failed filmmakers or clueless wannabes.

Stuckman (and his YouTube ilk) is the epitome of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

This guy criticises films by regurgitating RLM's biased and uninformed criticisms, and other "popular" yet flawed or flatout wrong criticisms by other wannabes, without any true knowledge of film history, techniques, homages, etc. He has proven in his reviews his lack of understanding the basics of filmmaking, and yet he has delusions of grandeur that he is a film expert. The scary part is that his YouTube subscribers probably think that he has a clue.
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Stellar Writing, Gripping Performances
brandonjeffreyarmstrong23 November 2019
This is the kind of short I hope to see launch people into stardom. Stuckmann's dialogue, combined with two of the actors with the best chemistry I've seen even from wide theatrical releases lately, all with hilarious moments featuring John Flickinger, combine so perfectly to keep any film buff on the edge of their seat. The use of the set and props must also be admired here, as one can feel years of story being told just by the background. I can't wait to see another Chris Stuckmann original film, and if I ever make it into the film business myself, I hope to be able to work with him and learn from him.
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this was a movie a short movie
riverwatson23 November 2019
I really like chris in this, great job to you and you wife Melanie
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Great job, Christopher!
doctorwhat-0206427 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this film, I thought a lot of the jokes landed, it was very entertaining and the cinematography was good (I thought the shaky cam worked in this instance.) I did think the script needed work at times, the previous connection between the two characters felt quite forced. But other than that this film is a lot of fun! Highly recommend for aspiring filmmakers like myself.
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Impressive Debut
alfstercoyne17 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I found this short very pleasurable and was entertained throughout the duration, from previous experience of studying film and writing a short screenplays I really related to the narrative and enjoyed the conflict and juxtaposition between the knock off blockbusters and critically acclaimed films represented thought the two characters Melanie and Joe, The cut away scenes really filled out the dialogue between the two and we're very entertaining to watch being a fan of stuckmann I really felt his own conflict of himself wanting to be a director and what approach he should take or what are you ultimatley trying to achieve when creating a film that accomplishment of self fullment in your own arts work or alternatively a large financial incentive resulting in very rushed cliche work I felt tension build as the two became more intimate whylst reading the script and really felt the emotion between the two characters I enjoyed the score and felt it was very repsentive of the acting taking place in the moment and the ending was ambiguous which I enjoyed aswell as we wonder which path will Joe now take. In Summation I just wanted to appraise Stuckmann for this debut it was extremely professional and well excited with very impressive camera work and ultimately I can't wait to see more
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