The Mindy Project (TV Series 2012–2017) Poster


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started off so well...
alexander-abigael15 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
i LOVED the first couple of seasons of mindy... i had rated it a 9/10... then there were a couple of mediocre seasons that still were fine, but the last 2 were lame.

not funny, characters acting like caricatures of themselves, the same jokes... with extra weird right wing political moments thrown in here and there, characters added and taken away all over the place, and the final season - which i get was trying to wrap everything up tidily - was a rushed, predictable snooze-fest. i would rate the last 2 seasons a 3 or 4 out of 10.

so i'm balancing it out to a 6.

follow the advice - watch the early seasons then STOP. don't ruin it for yourself...
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Light and Quirky
ancelikelly27 February 2013
I'm surprised the ratings aren't a little higher for "The Mindy Project" - with a lot of the crap out there, "The Mindy Project" is refreshingly quite funny. The characters are quirky, and I have a smile on my face pretty much the whole time I am watching the show. It's a nice break from all the drama filled teenage/girls/vampire shows that seem to be all the rave right now.

This a light fun filled comedy, that i'd compare to "Parks and Rec" and "The Office." So if you like those shows then you'll probably like this one as well.

It's about a young doctor who is living similar lives to many woman in their earlier 30's. Can't find someone to settle down with but has a career and a nice friend base at her office. She's surrounded by characters who are mostly in the same boat as her.

The show is fast paced and filed with nutty dialogue and makes for a perfect show to watch during lunch, or if you need a break from hectic life.
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If you don't like Mindy Kaling you won't like this show
lucindahkeating28 October 2021
The side characters can be funny, especially Ike Barinholtz's character, but essentially if you don't think you can grow to love Mindy as the flawed and often self-centred protagonist (basically a more developed "Kelly" from the Office) you probably won't enjoy this show.
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Self centered egoistic bitchy main character
Bonita_Mouna1 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, she is the main character, BUT she is so full of herself, the world revolves around her, the way she treats others is not funny it's just bitchy. Gave it a shot, but after 6 episodes I'd rather watch the laundry dry. Some very good supporting characters, they deserve the 6 stars...
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Fresh and Very Funny!
hockeygirl12345 October 2012
Mindy Kaling delivers big time on this hilarious new show about being successful, ridiculous, and slightly awkward in a lovable way. This show is about Kaling, an OBGYN doctor who is balancing her path to finding love with work and is not afraid of being her funny self along the way. The first episode drew me in not only because of the witty banter between Mindy and her inevitable love interest but also because she is in essence every girl. Her love of romantic comedies and hope for these ideals to mirror her real life is fun to watch! This brown sugar also has an amazing cast of handsome co workers that make for some pretty good eye candy! This show is smart and witty and has plenty of laugh out loud moments! I hope that you all love this one!
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love the banter
sarah-e-wong16 December 2012
I love it! I watched the pilot on a flight and instantly knew I needed to watch more. I think the banter and jokes are really great. It's been a while where I laugh out loud. The character is strong but that is what I love about it as she is witty, smart, appears to be insecure but is actually confident and just rolling with the punches.

Usually, the first year of a series is awkward but I loved it from episode one. Can't wait for the next ones! It's great to finally see a show with a woman comedian - they do exist! It is a refreshing take on a topic with jokes that are snide remarks. So if you are not paying attention, you'll miss them.
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Hit and miss but more hit!
andreaflorides5 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I only recently discovered this show (yes I'm late to the party) There are some laugh out loud moments and I enjoy most of the characters humour but some things bug me about this programme. Firstly, yes, Mindy is confident but no one would EVER act like her in real life or be as boisterous as she is. After a while, all the characters do become over exaggerated. It gets a bit much and tedious. Secondly, there's way too much focus on Mindy's love life, she literally jumps from one guy to the next which again is totally unrealistic. She just seems to randomly meets a guy and they are straight away into her. Thirdly, I heard the show was criticised for having her only date white men which they tried to rectify in Season 4 by having her date an Indian man and a black man. There was also criticism that she doesn't address her ethnic roots which again they try to rectify in season 4. Fourth, where the heck did Betsy, Shauna and Mindy's girl gang from season 1 go? They all simply disappeared with no explanation. They try to make up for the lack of female cast by giving Mindy two new besties Whitney and Chelsea. I also find the jokes about Mindy's appearance not funny. This is a running joke which gets a bit much after a while. Having said all that, I do enjoy this show especially up to season 3. It's witty and makes you laugh. Enjoy if you can overlook my slight criticisms!
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I laugh through the whole thing!
JumpHigh77714 June 2013
This show has me cracking up from the first minute to the last. Mindy's character is so funny, and best of all, relatable! She makes the dating game struggle so much more funny and light- hearted, and its a good reminder to not take things too seriously in life. I love the rest of the cast- Morgan is great- and I think Mindy and Danny have good chemistry. This show is so fresh and funny in completely new ways. Mindy really brings something irreplacable to the humor.

I was also shocked that the ratings weren't higher- but then I looked at the stats for the ratings, and men constantly rated it lower and women rated it much higher. That's fine, I'm not worried, just look at sex and the city. You don't need a male following at all to be a wildly successful show. I can't wait for season 2!
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Getting sharper
pip_kuruvilla6 October 2012
The pilot episode had a few laughs but was underwhelming. That has changed with episode two where all the actors seems to have found their footing and the episode was very funny. Mindy's writing is sharp and if you like the humour on the Office, you should like this new series as well.

The supporting cast is pretty good as well, particularly Chris Messina whose susceptibility to irritation blends well with non stop chatter that is Mindy. There are swipes at the overemphasis of being politically correct in the workplace (just like in the Office), which makes for witty lines.
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It started so good....
jeje12310 February 2018
I really loved the 3 first seasons. But then something happened, Mindys friendships got less and less space (what happened to her best friend???) and it was just som dude, some guy, bla bla. I watched every season, just because of lojalty, but I must say that the last seasons just wasnt that funny :(
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The first few seasons are great (SPOILER WARNING FOR 2nd HALF OF REVIEW)
Harry-Morris9512 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I happily binge-watched the first few seasons. I was skeptic at first, what with a former Supporting actress from 'The Office' taking on a lead role in a TV series, but I was impressed.

I would recommend new viewers to go in with an open mind and would advise them not to get too attached to characters - this series chews through characters as fast as Game of Thrones. Characters either disappear with grandeur via their own story arcs, or as crude and viciously as post-season layoffs with no in-script explanation.


After the first few seasons (I think I'm in Season 4) the show becomes rather dull and lifeless. The writers broke RomCom code and gave the main character, Mindy, a child and long-term boyfriend/husband. So you can safely drop the 'Romantic' tag from the movies genre listings.
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A fresh breeze that outclasses all the mocumentaries and sitcoms out there!
adigarg9413 June 2013
Lets start off with the cast. Everyone likes eye candy in a show and well this show won't have the likes that you see in CSI or Grey's anatomy. But its cast is strong, the characters are quirky and you grow attached to them.

The story is mostly one episode, one gig type but there is an internal connection between all the episodes, the best part is that no matter what mood you're in, happy, sad, angry...the Mindy project can always make you chuckle if not outright laugh.

There's a consistency about this show, it doesn't let you down. If you're a man this probably isn't your cup of tea but if you're a woman or even a girl this show is FUN and agreeable, i mean lets face it, we all are out there looking for the perfect guy while juggling our ambition! Give it a try beyond the pilot and you'll know what i mean.

This is my first review by the way, just for you Mindy!
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How did Danny's character turn into such a selfish douche?
Moonshot1024 January 2024
Ma', Ma', MAAA'... I'm at season three at Danny's character is so off-putting. I hope this changes until the end of the show because they ruined a perfectly good thing and Mindy's acceptance of such a person is totally off her brand (at least the one which was established in first two seasons). Also his hypocritical catholic moral vertical which he doesn't live by is annoying.

"Oh Nellie" is irritating and "exqueeze me" is not a great catch phrase.

That's it, that's the rant. Pardon, review.

Supporting characters are great. And "first off all, how dare you" is a nice reminder why we love Mindy. :) But she dropped the ball here.
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Shallow Show
sphinxabhi12 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The started off well... but then it become shallow, offensive and full of crappy jokes. Mindy ending up with Danny at the end, supports gaslight and abusive domestic behaviour. Never though Mindy kaling can produce such oppressive show. Don't waste your time.
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Watch Two Episodes... And You'll be hooked
jcourtlandcolburn25 October 2012
I must admit, when I originally started to watch the show I had low expectations. Mainly because though I'd previously enjoyed Mindy Kaling's portrayal of Kelly Kapoor on The Office (US), I'd seen characters who are hilarious in supporting roles not be able to translate that humor into an entire show based around them as the lead character... I'm looking at you cast of Seinfeld. However, I was pleasantly surprised to be completely wrong in this case.

This really is a great show that doesn't take itself to seriously. Also, I thoroughly enjoy the soundtrack. But the dialogue is where it's at... I'm actively working to make my friends converts for the show so I can start quoting it more... "We get it, you're smarter than us because you read the newspaper" -- it's like Mindy read my mind, people who read the news are just the worst, surpassed only by morning people.
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Super funny!
leximk116 April 2013
I love this show! It's really well-written and super funny. I'm also a huge fan of her from the Office and her book was awesome( seriously if you haven't read it you should!). She's really funny and easy to relate too,like I want to be her best friend. The cast is really cool and they works so well together, especially in the cameos. The plot isn't too dense, but there always a plot to follow each episode and a possible office romance. Not sure which character is my favorite yet because I love them all so much. It's a quirky show but easy to relate to because of Mindy's experiences throughout the season between boyfriends, her job and random opinions on things!
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Very Fun
Melissaslist10 October 2012
I loved Mindy Khaling. She is the perfect blend of charm and neurosis. This show is the perfect vehicle for her and I really hope it stays on TV because I think it has real potential.

It's a very good ensemble cast, especially with the latest addition of the new nurse who is an ex con. He's hilarious.

This show is funny and quirky similar to nurse Jackie. I know there are a billion channels nowadays with cable, .....these shows have to fight to find their audience. It's not a chick show either. I think it can be appealing to men and women. She's sort of a chubby Carrie Bradshaw. I'm rooting for Mindy because it's just plain fun.
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You only need to watch the first 3 seasons
alisonfmatthews9 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first 3 seasons of this show are hilarious, smart and witty, everything Mindy Kaling is known for. About midway through the third season, she does get everything she's wanted and the show seems to have lost a lot of momentum. A lot of the supporting characters such as Mindy's best friends and office workers also disappear. It's still funny after season 3 just not as good.
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I love Mindy Kaling! Must watch.
mmalofy3 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you like the office and parks you'll love this. The first season was HILARIOUS. I couldn't get enough. I will say I did not like how they kept getting rid of main characters with zero explanation. It would make it difficult to enjoy the next few episodes. They did a good job of making all of the new characters like-able eventually though which is impressive. I hate the Ben storyline. He was really great and I don't understand why they had her get married for it to last one episode.. Mindy's reaction to him ending their marriage and her not wanting to spend time with him seemed very out of character. Could've done without. I liked Ben and didn't like that they did him dirty. I love how they kept bringing exs and Peter back. Always hilarious encounters. So many celebrity guest stars- that part was awesome! Hilarious to bring in Reese Witherspoon. Overall extremely hilarious and I was happy she ended up with Danny even though I actually did not like when they originally got together. I enjoyed Mindy single until the very end, felt like they wrapped the show perfectly. Mindy Kaling is a comical genius, would love to see her do another show like this!
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started off well
angelorwez18 May 2022
It started off well...a little bit over the top...but a good story structure in the background...

until it hit a bump and never recovered...and it was soooo sooo bad...

the male nurse guy is overdone...what is it with comedy and the dumb character....don't stretch stops being comedy...
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Danny and Mindy
jlscott219024 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't lie, the dynamic between Mindy and Danny is what kept me going. All of the characters are great but their love story is what I lived for watching this. I was so mad when they phased his character out and made him seem like a big jerk when they built up their love story so much. I know he was always opinionated but he always opened his eyes until he didn't. I'm glad it ended with them together: otherwise it would have made me really dislike the series to NOT end up together. Morgan's character is freaking hilarious and had me rolling all the time. I got a lot of laughs watching this show and I will more than likely watch it again!
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Just try and watch it!
martaslp6 April 2016
Here is the plot: Mindy is a obstetric doctor trying to manage her personal and professional life, she has a very strong personality (which makes her funny and totally relatable).

Usually I don't like this kind of series but this one has some quirky/unique/funny little details that drive me crazy. The series builds herself around unique stories. It seems fresh, with lots of new innovative jokes and good characters.

I have to admit that I love Mindy Kailing, she's one of the funniest women in the business. She was awesome in The Office (US) and she's being awesome acting, writing and directing this show. I've been saying for years that romantic comedies don't need necessarily to be bad, this show proves this genre can be good when is well made (like action/sci- fi/…). Also, Mindy Kailling said something that I always thought through my entire life: there's no need to keep breaking up couples we know will get together at the end. Being in a relationship can still be funny and interesting. Life doesn't get boring when that happens so follow this advice: people are tired of couples breaking up in TV shows just because (or to turn the show "interesting").

Just try and watch it!

For more reviews check :)
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Great show - one big romantic comedy
magee-4274517 February 2018
Mindy is funny and relatable. The show takes its ups and downs as does Mindy but that is how life is. Life is messy and relationships can be messy. The Mindy Project gets that. The last episode just really tied it all in and I loved it. I cried during the last episode..... watch it start to finish and you won't be disappointed.
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well-written mostly traditional single gal sitcom
SnoopyStyle7 May 2015
Mindy Lahiri (Mindy Kaling) is a single gal in the city. She's an OBGYN doctor in a Manhattan practice with Danny Castellano (Chris Messina), Jeremy Reed (Ed Weeks) and later Peter Prentice (Adam Pally). Morgan Tookers (Ike Barinholtz), Beverly (Beth Grant), Betsy Putch (Zoe Jarman) and Tamra (Xosha Roquemore) are the nurses.

With Mindy Kaling coming off of her memorable role in The Office, I was expecting something much better than the usual network fare. She has a few interesting takes but this is mostly the regular single-gal-in-the-city show. The most outrageous thing here is that she's a minority actor in the lead of a regular show. She doesn't really play up that fact. Other than a brother, her family aspect isn't used much. She plays up her chubbiness more than her ethnicity. Mindy does struggle from time to time to find the flow. Her revolving door of relationships does leave me scratching my head a little. However that happens in single gal shows all the time. My minor complaint is that this is not as daring as I hoped but it is still very good with excellent writing. After 3 seasons, it gets canceled by Fox but the show gets a second life elsewhere.
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Just No
katie197729 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
As an Indian American woman, I was excited to see an Indian female lead at the time. I got through 2 seasons before I gave up. The show started Ok and then careened into unwatchable for me. What Dr. Talks like a 7 year old and acts like she's 13? There was a revolving door of supporting cast and somehow every guy she came in contact with fell in love with her. I don't feel that Mindy wanted to share the stage with her cast members and then the storylines became increasingly annoying.
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