3 Reviews
A WW2 tragedy
fa4047484 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
On 20th of October 1941, three young communists shoot the German commander Hotz in the French port of Nantes. As a reprisal and deterrent, a furious Hitler orders the execution of a hundred prisoners, mostly communists and resisters. Among them, the 17 year old Guy Môquet, the son of a communist member of Parliament. This real story, focusing on Môquet and his friends in the detainee camp, shows the conflicting interests between the German high commander Von Stülpnagel and his entourage in France (the famous writer Ernst Jünger), Berlin, and the puppet regime of Vichy (and the ambiguous role of the French police). A very moving and historical accurately told story.
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Poignant, magnificently directed and acted
purplesimbi26 October 2013
But WHY the English mistranslation of the title? Anyone/everyone who took French in school or can open a French/English dictionary page knows "l'aube" means the sunrise, dawn. What on earth was gained by changing it to sea? Here I thought "Assassin in Love" was the worst English translation of Damian Lewis' fabulous comedic performance in "The Baker".. The horror and debasement of the Vichy government is mercilessly revealed and, for Americans especially, a kinder definition of the Communists (social idealists, workers, common people) at that time, before the inevitable(Power rules!) corruption set in, and the elite profited, as usual. "I am a working class man, but my overalls are better than your (fancy) uniform," grand spit. I hope this English sub-titled DVD becomes available to the proletariat(:-))at less than the current price soon.
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Calm in the camp
mancinibrown25 June 2019
Calm at Sea takes place in a French occupation camp in 1941. The movie opens with the prisoners in the camp holding a race, while the men and women (who are separated) are flirting between the wires. No sense of danger seems imminent. Simultaneously outside, in Nantes, 3 members of the communist party take it upon themselves to shoot and kill a Nazi officer. This leads to the Nazi occupiers (and French collaborators) to reciprocally kill50 hostages for the act.

That more or less sums up the entire movie, and nothing happens to surprise one way or another. There are scenes of the French and Germans trying to avoid the outcome, some trying harder than others. We see the hostages rounded up in the camps, knowing what's coming, but doing nothing about it. And we march inexorably towards the climax of the movie.

Not to say there isn't a story to be told here, but this wasn't it. It felt stilted, disjointed, and without any real power. It wants to show the strength and resolve of the men, but fails in that regard.
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