The Patriot (2000) Poster


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MPAA Rated R for strong war violence

Sex & Nudity

  • Female lead wears very low cut dresses displaying a lot of unnecessary, gratuitous cleavage.
  • Lots of cleavage from a woman
  • A boy says "Heaven knows what the British will do to the women" implying rape.
  • There is a scene in which a man is "bundled" in a bed to keep him from having sex with the man's daughter. (Not said, but implied)

Violence & Gore

  • In a battle scene, a soldier's hand is cut off by a saber and blood sprays. Graphic, but brief.
  • (THE PATRIOT LEVEL OF VIOLENCE: 8.5) tons of bloody war scenes.
  • (THE PATRIOT LEVEL OF VIOLENCE: 8.5\10) lots of bloody war scenes.
  • Many battle scenes with brutal gunshots, slashings, and stabbings. Countless men are shot in the head and chest, and almost every time there is a spray of blood. Martin kills many soldiers with his tomahawk (blood occasionally shown).
  • After soldiers kill his son, Martin repeatedly hacks the dead corpse of a British soldier, at least a dozen times. We do not see the hatchet actually hitting, but we see blood spraying everywhere, soaking him in the man's blood.
  • A cannon fires and, in a closeup shot, takes a man's head off in slow motion. Gore flies, and we see the bloody stump of his neck for a second. Elsewhere, men's limbs are blown off by cannonballs as well.
  • A man is stabbed violently in the neck. Another man has a hatchet flung into his skull, which splits and spills blood as he crumples to the ground.
  • A young child is shot in the back by a British officer. We see a large bloody bullet hole in his shirt. His family cradles him as he dies.
  • A man, after finding his wife and child dead (killed by the British), is obviously distraught and commits suicide in front of his comrades with a loaded pistol.
  • As the camera pans over a camp, we see a soldier after his leg has been amputated. There is a very bloody stump. He, the table, and the doctors are all covered in blood.
  • The British systematically execute wounded Americans without a second thought. Not shown, but very disturbing.
  • A church is burned down with innocent people inside. Not graphic, but very emotional. The people are fighting to get out and later on, we see the main character and his friends making graves.


  • Mild language.
  • 3 uses of "son of a bitch" in the extended version.
  • The racial word "negro" is said, but is very easy to miss.
  • Some "Damns" and "Hells" are in the movie

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • A scene set in a bar has drinking and smoking in the background.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Children are often in mortal danger. Sometimes they are killed heartlessly.
  • Many brutally realistic battle scenes include lots of death and gore.
  • A man suddenly commits suicide after finding his wife and child killed by the British in front of his comrades.
  • A man thought to be dead rises suddenly.
  • In a very emotional sequence, a church full of innocent men, women, and children is burned to the ground, along with several likeable characters, and the commander shows no remorse.
  • The prolonged sequence of violence between Martin and Tavington is very emotional and gory, even though blood and the actually stabbing isn't shown.

See also

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