Predator 2 (1990) Poster


Danny Glover: Lieutenant Mike Harrigan



  • [Harrigan runs through an old woman's apartment, chasing the Predator] 

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : [1:30:14]  It's all right! I'm a cop!

    Ruth : I don't think he gives a shit!

  • [last lines] 

    Garber : Harrigan! What the fuck happened in there? Huh? Goddamn it. We came so close!

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Don't worry, asshole. You'll get another chance.

  • Tony Pope : Hey, Harrigan! More victims, more mutilations!

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : [punches Pope]  Fuck you!

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : [is surrounded by more Predators, drops the Predator's disc]  Okay. Who's next?

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : And that scares the shit out of me, kid. No one requests to come down here unless they're looking for a reputation. And there's no room for showboats or anyone looking to prove himself. Now, I won't stand for it. Now don't get me wrong, we need good cops down here and they say you're good at what you do. But the team comes first. You live by that and you'll be okay, and we'll all be there for you. Remember, the door swings both ways. That's it.

    [Jerry gets up to leave] 

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Hey, kid. Welcome to the war.

  • Captain Phil Heinemann : You let me down, Mike. You're making me look bad. I thought we had an understanding. I put my ass on the line to get you here, and all I expect is a little cooperation! Now you were told that this was a federal matter, yet you disobeyed a direct order to stay out of the building.

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Don't let this get out, Phil, but it's a fuckin' war down here.

    Captain Phil Heinemann : You're a soldier, and you take orders. Now don't push it.

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : We're fighting for our lives down there, and you're downtown pushin' pencils and kissing ass! I don't roll over for anybody, especially for the feds, without a goddamn good explanation!

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : I found this in the rafters near where I found Danny's necklace. I thought you might want to have a look at it.

    [hands Predator weapon to lab woman] 

    Irene Edwards : It has almost no weight.

    [feels it delicately with her fingers] 

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Yeah but it cuts like steel.

    Irene Edwards : let me do an analysis.

    [reacts to analysis] 

    Irene Edwards : Astounding. It doesn't match anything on the periodical table of elements.

  • [Mike removes the Predator's mask] 

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : [whispering]  You are one big ugly motherfu...

    Predator : [grabs Mike by the throat]  Motherfucker!

    [Throws Mike] 

  • [Harrigan has stabbed Predator in stomach with its smart disc, then shouts] 

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Get it straight, asshole!

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : [while pulling the smart disc out]  Shit happens!

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : OK pussyface, it's your move.

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : [21:24]  This is what I call the speech, kid. It's the only one I got and I only give it once, so pay attention. 'Til now, it's all been fun and games. "Cops and robbers," Dunkin Donuts. But you're in the shit now. Metro Command is a war zone.

    Jerry Lambert : Lieutenant, I paid my dues. I had to bust my ass to get my transfer

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : And that scares the shit out of me, kid. Nobody requests to come down here unless they're looking for a reputation. There's no room for showboats or anyone looking to prove himself. I won't stand for it. Don't get me wrong. We need good cops down here and they say you're good at what you do. But the team comes first. You live by that and you'll be OK, and we'll all be there for you. Remember, the door swings both ways. That's it. Hey kid. Welcome to the war

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Look, I don't care how big this is or who's involved. This guy killed Danny and he's going to fall!

  • Peter Keyes : It's taken us over two weeks to learn his patterns. He comes here every two days to feed. Seems he has a taste for beef.

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : I didn't think he was a vegetarian.

    Peter Keyes : Well, we've prepared a trap for this predator.

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : [grabbing Keyes and violently pinning him against the wall]  Listen, shithead. I don't give a fuck who you really are or what you want with this asshole... because now it's personal, and he's a dead man.

    Peter Keyes : The concept of what you're dealing with is way over your head. I'm warning you...

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : You!

    [shoving Keyes back against the wall] 

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : You don't know what you're dealing with... and i'm warning you: stay the fuck out of my way!

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : [talking to himself]  I can do it. I can do it. Just like falling off a log.

    [his Desert Eagle handgun falls from the holster] 

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Like a thirty-story log. Damn.

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Captain, Danny and I came up together. Fifteen years on the fucking street! Whoever killed him's gonna pay. I'm gonna finish it.

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Shit! Why can't this guy stay on the ground?

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : You're rippin' my dick off and shovin' it up my asshole!

  • Leona Cantrell : So, what happened to El Scorpio?

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Oh, he's out front having lunch.

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : [reviewing the reports about the dead gang members in the opening shootout]  All right Danny Boy, what have we got?

    Danny Archuleta : What have we got? Five low life Scorpions make it into the building, the next minute they're all shish kebab, not one bullet wound.

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Well, it wasn't for drugs or money, there's a shitload of that for the taking. Maybe King Willie brought in some outside talent. He's making his big move.

    Danny Archuleta : A pro would have split the moment he heard the action. More than one we would have seen them. Whoever did this waited until the last minute, and then took out five guys armed with machine guns by hand -ha!-, then got by us. Maybe we should give him a job and put him on the payroll.

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Hey, what the hell's going on here, Heinemann?

    Captain Phil Heinemann : Insubordination, disregard for direct orders from a supervising officer! Now get back to your cage at Alvarado!

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : I'll show you insubordination, you son of a bitch!

  • Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : You are one ugly...

    Predator : [wakes up, grabs Mike into a chokehold and finishes sentence with a distorted, mimicked voice]  Motherfucker!

  • Captain B. Pilgrim : [17:24]  Don't start with me, Mike.

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Oh, I didn't!

    Captain B. Pilgrim : Heinemann's already been up my ass so far I won't be able to sit down for a week. We're not winnin' this war. As much as it's going to piss you off, you're going to have to play the game on this one. Effective immediately, a federal task force under the direction of special agent Peter Keyes will be investigating criminal activities involving the trafficking and distribution of controlled substances. You will extend to him your full cooperation.

    Lieutenant Mike Harrigan : Which means you're cutting off my dick and shoving it up my ass

    Captain B. Pilgrim : God damn it Mike, the feds are calling the shots on this. My hands are tied!

See also

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