Lawyer Lawyer (1997)
An enjoyable comedy...
25 June 2020
Oddly enough I hadn't heard about "Lawyer Lawyer" (aka "Suen sei cho") from director Joe Ma before now in 2020 when I was given the chance to sit down and watch it.

Of course I did sit down to watch it as it is a Hong Kong movie, and I am a great fan of the Hong Kong cinema. Plus, the movie had a rather interesting cast which included Stephen Chow, Karen Mok and Chingmy Yau. And if you are familiar with Hong Kong cinema, then these should be no strangers to you.

The storyline in "Lawyer Lawyer" was straight forward and enjoyable, so writers Joe Ma and Ho-Wah Wong definitely made it work. However, while the movie was enjoyable and watchable, this was hardly the top of the line of movies from Stephen Chow. Don't get me wrong though, because this is still a very good movie.

There was a good combination of drama, action and good old fashioned comedy throughout the course of "Lawyer Lawyer" and thus there is essentially almost something for everyone in the audience.

My rating for "Lawyer Lawyer" is a six out of ten stars. The movie is quite well worth a watch if you haven't seen it already.
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