Silly, amateurish and utterly ridiculous
5 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Although I watch about 10 films a week and I'm a massive horror fan, I don't usually write reviews. However, after watching this terrible film, I felt compelled to leave a review and prevent others from wasting an hour and a half of their life. The script is really weak, with poor dialogue and inconsistencies throughout, for example, since when has 3 out of 6 been the majority? Or how does Nick know where his mum and dad keep the axe when he hasn't been there for over 3 years? However, the performances are equally as bad, especially Holly Weston who plays Kate, her performance wouldn't be out of place in a primary school pantomime; she truly is awful. I get where they are going with the whole idea that TV is such a massive influence on our lives and how we are manipulated and brainwashed by it, however, it really doesn't develop this concept with any clarity or imagination. Adding to this, the finale is silly and laughable. Whoever is reponsible for continuity in this film, deserves to never work again, it's appalling throughout. Scott's t-shirt changes 3 times in one scene - just after he speaks to the dad upstairs. Plus, why would they bleach their bodies after thinking they have been contaminated and then put the same clothes back on? It's laughable. The whole film is a complete joke. Anyone that enjoys the film needs to re-evaluate their love and understanding of horror.
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