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Neurotically Yours Latest Episodes Playlist Below

Next Episode Will Be October 11th 2024 Titled: "You're NEVER Going To Win!!!'"
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Amazon. Shirts shop!
Design By Humans! Shirts & Stickers

Neurotically Yours Classic Series Playlist Below!

Support the Creator of all this!Digital Comics on Gumroad!!!Stickers, Mugs & Shirts on Design By Shirts for ALL!Foamy Books & More by JiMActual Artwork by J.i.MathersInstagram Pictures!Help out via Paypal

Squirrels & Robots Podcast Episodes Playlist below
PLAY : Squirrels & Robots Podcast Playlist (New Episodes Posted Randomly)

Foamy Music Available on Bandcamp!, Podcast Available on SpotifyPodcast Available on iTunesGoogle PodcastsPum'Kin Guy Music on SpotifyJiM made angsty music... and it's available here!

Pum'Kin Guy Playlist Below

Live Wed 1PM ET & Sun 12 PM ET on Twitch.tvThe official YouTube Page for JiMs work.Instagram Pictures!Follow! (But Not In a Stalker Way) On Twitter!Pum'Kin Guy Music on SpotifySupport Foamy on PatreonStickers, Mugs & Shirts on Design By HumansActual Artwork by J.i.Mathers

Pum'Kin Guy Playlist Below

Merch & Goodies Image
Patreon! Support! Crowd support for JiM
Amazon. Shirts shop! Shirts for ALL!Digital Comics on Gumroad!!!Actual Artwork by J.i.MathersStickers, Mugs & Shirts on Design By HumansFoamy Books & More by JiMFoamy Music Available on iTunesFoamy Music Available on Bandcamp! Game Dev WebsiteTee Spring! T-Shirt ShopJiM made angsty music... and it's available here!

Classic Foamy Lives!Classic Foamy Lives!
Vintage Site in it's original form. May not work properly.

You Can Help Here Too!Patreon! Support! Crowd support for JiM