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Mozilla Firefox... now available in Plush

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The general consensus I (the submitter) get is that the name and logo for the Firefox browser does not by itself constitute being furry.

However, I do think that this is: according to this article, the Mozilla Foundation will now begin selling Firefox plushies. So just in case this is your sort of thing, now you know.


That's the first, and until now, the only time I've heard red pandas called 'firefoxes.' I suspect the Mozilla people just bought up a lot of cheap generic red panda plushies and used that an excuse to make them the official plushie, even though they don't look like their logo. That said, red pandas are the cutest things and some might buy them for that reason alone.

I took a good look. It's a fox!

But...but...but it's not a fox!! It's a red panda!! Why?!

*wants a REAL Firefox plushie*

Smile! The world could use another happy person.

Their stated comment was "Red Panda means firefox." Hmmm... I don't see the connection myself.

A firefox *is* a red panda. It's like saying cougar instead of mountain lion. Same animal, different name.


They probably got a good deal on a bunch of cute Red Panda plushies, then decided "Hey, we'll just tell everyone it means firefox, whilst keeping our fox logo."

Smile! The world could use another happy person.

Oh. ...Sorry then.

...But why, then, do they have a fox picture as the logo?

Smile! The world could use another happy person.

Actually, I've never heard a red panda being called a firefox. I've heard of them being called firecats, but never a fox.

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