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Francis Drake

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Sir Francis Drake

Vice Admiral Sir Francis Drake (around 1540January 28, 1596) was an English sailor and explorer. Beginning around 1563, he and his cousin, Sir John Hawkins became the first Englishman to sell slaves from Africa in the New World. In Panama in 1573, he captured a fortune in silver and gold that the Spanish had seized from the Native Americans, and became the first Englishman to see the Pacific. He was also the first Englishman to sail all the way around the world. Because of this, he was made a knight by Queen Elizabeth I. Later, he was second in command of the English fleet which defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588. He died in armor.

Sir Francis Drake's ship was called 'The Golden Hind'. Sir Francis Drake was the second man to sail around the whole world with two of his ships intact. he kissed women on his way and threw them off the ship

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