Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Starfleet Research (also known as Starfleet R&D or Research and Development) was a Starfleet agency that operated from the 23rd to the 25th centuries. This agency was responsible for researching, developing, and testing new technologies, including starship construction.

In the 2260s of the alternate reality, information on this agency was located in the Federation database. (Star Trek Beyond)

This agency was mentioned in a list of Starfleet agencies, which appeared to the left of the personnel file for Balthazar Edison. [1]

The agency was based out of San Francisco, Earth, Sol Sector. As early as 2365, standard issue tricorders had a plaque that identified their design model number and place of origin. (TNG: "Contagion") The Mark VI, VII, X, and XI tricorders of the 2360s and 2370s carried this plaque. (TNG: "Contagion", "The Chase"; DS9: "The Muse"; Star Trek Nemesis)

The identifier "Starfleet R&D" and associated location is clearly visible on tricorder props. [2](X)

In 2366, the Daystrom Institute had an annex on Galor IV. This annex, consisting of several scientific research facilities, and their personnel were under the aegis of Starfleet Research. That year, Vice Admiral Haftel was assigned to this planet and attempted unsuccessfully at having Lal, the daughter of Data, transferred to his facilities for additional study. (TNG: "The Offspring")

Crates labeled as originating from Starfleet Research were also present on a Section 31 research facility on Essof IV. (DIS: "Perpetual Infinity")


Prime universe[]

Mirror universe[]

  • C. Danby (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • T. Dinucci (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • K. Felton-Lui (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • C. Gebacz (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • M. Goldstein (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • J. Gross (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • K. Gross (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • T. Grove (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • R. Johnson (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • A. Maranville (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • E. Sampson (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • B. Schultz (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • C. Silvestri (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)
  • A. Trifunovic (ISS Discovery, Research and Development team)

See also[]
