Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Charlie Vance was the daughter of Starfleet's Commander in chief, Fleet admiral Charles Vance.

Charlie had once lived with her parents aboard the Federation Headquarters space station before it became too dangerous. Vance mentioned that when his daughter was young and first started studying mathematics, she refused to use numbers and drew pictures instead. Vance drew a comparison between his daughters alternate but effective approach to Michael Burnham's approach to problem solving. (DIS: "That Hope Is You, Part 2")

Vance family and homework

Vance family photos and homework help

Five months later, Vance, with his wife and daughter, were reunited aboard the station for the unveiling of the Archer Spacedock. Following the end of the DMA crisis, Charlie and her parents spent time together. (DIS: "Kobayashi Maru", "Coming Home")

In 3191, Vance had holo photos of Charlie and his wife up in his office while studying up to help her with her homework. (DIS: "Under the Twin Moons")

Vance's daughter was played by an unknown actress.


