About Me

I'm an Irish software developer. I've worked on both commercial and open source/free software.

In the past, I created and worked on Apache SpamAssassin, and set up the first non-academic website in Ireland, www.iona.ie, which was only about the 70th public HTTP server in the world. Here is its listing in Marc Andressen's "What's New" page from September 1993, and this Irish Times article has a few reminiscences from those days.

I write a linkblog, where I link on a roughly-daily basis to things I find interesting -- open source, Ireland, the software industry, computer security, and the tricky interface between high-tech and society. A small group of people seem to enjoy reading it, which is cool.

I'm on BlueSky at @jmason.org and on Mastodon as @jmason@mastodon.ie.

I live in Dublin, Ireland.