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Tanker's entire load spills into sea
The broken wreck of the Amoco Cadiz, its decks awash with heavy seas, last night marked the world's worst oil pollution caused by a tanker. Yesterday, the last few intact storage tanks were holed as 30 ft waves continued to pound the ship and all but 50,000 tons of the 230,000 tons of black crude oil aboard has now leaked into the ocean.

Cardinals turn to Poland for new Pope
In their eighth ballot yesterday Cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church chose the first non-Italian Pope for more than 400 years.

Thorpe is accused of murder plot
Mr Jeremy Thorpe is to meet his constituency executive tonight to discuss his political future as Liberal MP for North Devon after the conspiracy to murder charge which was laid against him yesterday.

Race causes an initial confusion
The man who answered "human race" when asked to what race he belonged would get short shrift at West End Central police station, London. For there human classifications have achieved an elaborate formality, as a bemused magistrate heard yesterday.

Obituary: Frank Raymond Leavis
Leavis used his Cambridge lecture room in the 'fifties like an ideological slit-trench. Often he would snap off single shots: "Milton is as mechanical as a bricklayer." Sometimes he would throw hand grenades: "There's something wrong with T. S. Eliot down there (pointing towards his waist) - or even lower."

Liverpool's tunes of glory
Liverpool, playing marvellously co-ordinated football at times, became the European Cup when they defeated Bruges, the Belgian champions, 1-0 at Wembley last night to rapturous accompaniment from their supporters, whose songs of rejoicing rang loud and long into a warm, clear London night.

Voices of the dead
Isaac Bashevis Singer begins with a disconcerting irony: "I was brought up in three dead languages - Hebrew, Aramaic, Yiddish." This ironic statement functions as an invocation of those dead who spoke, specifically, the Yiddish of Poland. He invites us to a seance to hear their voices; Shosha is a haunting rather than a novel.

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