Queue And A

‘Love Island USA’s Serena Page Knew Partner Kordell Beckham Was Going To Split The $100K With Her: “That’s My Man”

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America has spoken! Serena Page and Kordell Beckham are the winners of Peacock’s Love Island USA Season 6. Despite a rough patch after Casa Amor, Page and Beckham proved themselves to be relationship goals among the Islanders. Beckham further proved his devotion to Page by making the decision to split the $100K prize pot with her equally. “That’s my man. I knew he was going to split that shit,” said Page confidently. “It wasn’t a hard choice at all. What’s mines is hers,” agreed Beckham.

While Page was thrilled to finish in first place next to Beckham, she was even more thrilled that her PowerPuff Girls or PPG squad comprised of JaNa Craig and Leah Kateb were in the top three right next to her. “Honestly, that was my win right there,” remembered Page. “That’s when I realized America might like our friendship.” The sisterhood of this season of Love Island USA will be spoken about for years to come, much like Page’s and Beckham’s sweet and well deserved romance.

Page’s and Beckham’s genuine connection received the approval of Beckham’s famous big brother, Miami Dolphins wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr., who spoke to the couple during their final days in the villa. “Hearing him say that he couldn’t wait to meet her… man, that was something special,” said Beckham. “He saw what I was seeing with Serena. He understood how she makes me feel.”

The couple also has nothing but praise for first-time Love Island USA host Ariana Madix. “She’s the best host I’ve ever seen,” gushed Page. Page admired Madix’s “professional[ism]” and the fact that she’s a “girl’s girl.” “She stood on business,” observed Page. Beckham also that Madix “didn’t come to play.” Page is “obsessed” with Madix, just like the rest of the Love Island USA audiences, further proving why she and Beckham took first place.

DECIDER spoke to Page and Beckham over Zoom to talk about their love story, whether they’ll rewatch their season, and the show’s upcoming surprise reunion.

DECIDER: First of all, congratulations! How does it feel to win Love Island USA?

SERENA PAGE: Absolutely insane.


SP: I didn’t expect all of this love coming out of the villa because we’ve had some story [laughs]. There’s no in-between with us; either you’re going to hate us or you’re going to love us. During the show, I came to peace with that. I was like, “I’m not in here to guess what the hell America’s thinking, so I’ll just sit back, relax, and be surprised either way.”

KB: We didn’t have a slightest clue what was going on in the outside world.

Love Island USA - Serena Page, Ariana Madix, Kordell Beckham
Peacock via Getty

Are you surprised that your love story resonated with so many people?

SP: You know, I was in the villa beating myself up about how slow I was moving with Kordell. I was just like, “what’s wrong with me? I’m not acting like the other girls.” I was in my head about it, but it feels good to see that I’m not alone. It goes to show that staying true to yourself and being authentic—which we both did—really resonates with people, regardless of the outcome of the relationship. We were all over the damn place [laughs]. Your girl is kind of crazy [laughs], and I thought America was going to be tearing me up.

Serena, what was going through your mind when Kordell pulled the $100K card?

SP: Nothing. That’s my man. I knew he was going to split that shit [laughs].

KB: She knows me. See how I fake ran off though? I had to get her back for the wedding cake [laughs].

SP: I knew he was going to split it with me because I would’ve done the same.

KB: It wasn’t a hard choice at all. We’ve been through so much. What’s mine is hers. She deserves it, especially after what I put her through. Honestly, I forgot we could even win anything because that’s not what this experience was about for me. I got so caught up with making things work with me and Serena that the money wasn’t on my mind at all. It was the perfect ending to our time in the villa. What’s a better moment to share than winning the prize money after being voted as the #1 couple of Love Island USA [laughs]?

Kordell, you are one of the rare men in the villa who made a mistake, but took accountability for that mistake and was willing to wait for forgiveness on your partner’s timeline. Do you know what a rare quality that is?

KB: Honestly, no. I thought everybody would be doing that. That’s how I was raised. If I know that I did something wrong, I’m going to be accountable for it. When you mess up, you clean up [laughs]. Things don’t always work on your time. In a situation like this, it had to be on her time. When she went off on me for what I did in Casa, it opened my eyes and showed me how much she was really feeling towards me. It hurt me seeing her so hurt. I was willing to make amends by any means necessary.

Love Island USA - Kordell and Serena
Peacock via Getty

Serena, did Kordell’s willingness to admit his mistake and allow you to be in your feelings for as long as you needed to be solidify this connection for you?

SP: It 100% solidified how I was feeling towards him. I don’t think there was any other way to get me back other than how he handled it. He really proved himself to me. Obviously, there were some things I took accountability for as well. I was trying to run from him a bit and push him away. I think a fresh start is all we needed. I need to shout out his people for raising him right.

Kordell, it was so moving to watch your big brother, Odell, virtually meet Serena. How special was that to hear him give his approval on your connection to you with the rest of the world watching?

KB: That’s rare. Hearing him say that he couldn’t wait to meet her… man, that was something special. I know my brother. He saw what I was seeing with Serena. He understood how she makes me feel. We were all just cheesing the whole time [laughs]. He said he saw our connection from the jump. That was amazing to hear.

Serena, how did it feel to make it to the final 3 couples with the women of PPG?

SP: Honestly, that was my win right there [laughs]. No offense, Kordell. When I looked and saw JaNa and Leah at the top with me, that’s when I realized America might like our friendship. I was like, “this is no coincidence.” That was my first light bulb moment. When Kordell and I won, I’m like, “wait, America likes me too?”

When you surprised to learn Love Island USA Season 6 is getting a reunion?

KB: Very surprised.

SP: Yeah, Love Island USA hasn’t had a reunion since Season 3.

KB: Season 3? Damn. We special.

SP: We must have really been cutting up

Love Island USA - JaNa Craig, Serena Page and Leah Kateb
Peacock via Getty

Who do you think will have the most to answer for?

KB: I have no clue.

SP: No clue at all. To be honest with you, I feel like we all are going to be there and just enjoy it. I haven’t watched a reunion before, so I’m going in there blind.

Are you two planning to watch your season?

SP: I’m not. He can tell me how it goes. I’ll stick with the clips and the TikToks.

KB: The guys all decided that we’re all going to get together and watch it. We’re planning to drink every time we see something cringe worthy. I feel like we’re not going to make it past the first 15 minutes of the episode [laughs], so we’ll see how that goes. It’s going to be crazy.

How did you think Ariana Madix did in her first season as host?

SP: Amazing. I love Ariana. Don’t get me started on my girl, Ari. She was really funny. She was the best. I know it’s different watching it versus being there, but I feel like she’s the best host I’ve ever seen. She stood on business. Plus, she’s such a girl’s girl, but she’s is so professional with it too. Being like, “well, I have all day.” Yes, you do, baby! And so do we!

KB: She didn’t come to play!

SP: Ariana and I have to be besties now. I’m obsessed.