Catherine O’Hara Shocks Kelly Clarkson With Recollection Of Her Private Tour Of The Vatican: “We Were In The Pope’s Closet Looking At Garments”

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Leave it to none other than Tim Burton to give Catherine O’Hara a private tour of the Vatican as a wedding gift.

On today’s episode of The Kelly Clarkson Show, the actress recalled rummaging through the Pope’s closet with her husband, whom Burton set her up with on the set of Beetlejuice.

“A priest took us around. He got yelled at at one point,” O’Hara remembered. “I wish I spoke Italian — but he was definitely getting yelled at by another priest because we were in the Pope’s closet looking at garments. It was crazy.”

She continued, “We were in the elevator that he takes down to St. Peter’s Basilica to do Mass. We were in this lovely little tiny museum where [there were] all the gifts for the Vatican from every country leader in the world — gifts that had been sent to the Vatican since the beginning of the Vatican.”

That wasn’t all! O’Hara also said the priest let them pretend to put a crown from one of the cases inside her husband’s backpack for a photo.

“That is the most random wedding gift,” a shocked Kelly Clarkson said, to which O’Hara explained, “Somebody had given it to [Burton]. It was a very inside kind of deal.”

According to the star, she met production designer Bo Welch on the set of Beetlejuice in the late 1980s — and it was because of Burton, who directed the flick, that they got together in the first place.

“He was talking to me every day — it was like high school,” she said of her now husband. “He was just talking to me every day, like, by our lockers. And he never asked me out.”

It wasn’t until Burton intervened that their relationship actually came to fruition.

“I’m grousing to Tim Burton about how the production designer never asked me out and he said, ‘Let me see what I can do,'” O’Hara said. “I got [to Vermont], the first day of shooting there, he pulls off the side … he comes over [and says], ‘The art department’s going to a swap meet. You want to come with us?’ It was like he’d been forced!”

She added, “But Tim was right. He made it happen.”

The Kelly Clarkson Show airs on weekdays. Check the website for local listings.