Gypsy Rose Blanchard Still Doesn’t Know The Full Truth About Her Life: “I Haven’t Had A Chance To Look At My Medical Records In Full Detail”

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The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard

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Gypsy Rose Blanchard, who was released from prison last month after serving seven years for her mother’s murder, is still putting the puzzle pieces together when it comes to her own life — and, more specifically, what kind of medical procedures have been performed on her.

Blanchard spent the majority of her life as a victim of her mother Dee Dee’s then-undiagnosed Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which is when a caregiver exaggerates or fabricates their dependent’s illnesses and symptoms for sympathy or financial gain.

In Blanchard’s case, Dee Dee was able to trick the world — including organizations like Make a Wish and Habitat For Humanity — into thinking her daughter suffered from leukemia, muscular dystrophy and asthma, among other ailments. Blanchard was forced by her mother to use a wheelchair, shave her head and undergo around 30 unnecessary surgeries.

In her new docuseries, The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard, Blanchard reveals that she still has questions about her own life that she still needs closure on — and during a virtual press event held earlier today to promote the six-episode series, she detailed what kind of answers she’s looking for.

“Quite honestly, there are questions that I have about the surgeries that I’ve had,” she said. “I haven’t had a chance to look at my medical record in full detail and so I think I just have a lot of questions as far as what I had done to me medically.”

Blanchard has gone under the knife countless times in her life. In one instance, Dee Dee claimed her daughter was afraid of food and therefore had to have a feeding tube inserted. In another, Blanchard had her salivary glands removed because her mother told doctors that she had a drooling problem, which was later revealed to be from Dee Dee putting numbing cream on her gums before appointments. Moreover, she had procedures done on her eyes and had most of her teeth pulled after the removal of her salivary glands caused rotting.

And those are only the surgeries Blanchard was aware of.

'The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard'
Photo: Lifetime

In an effort to escape the abuse, the internet icon ultimately asked her ex-boyfriend Nick Godejohn to kill her mother in 2015, which earned her a 10-year prison sentence for second-degree murder.

While looking back on how her mother was able to manipulate so many doctors into performing surgeries on a perfectly healthy child, Blanchard speculated that it had to do with money.

“I think that for those doctors that did have suspicions, I think it all has to do with money, honestly, and that’s just my opinion about it,” she said at the press event. “They were making money off of me and so I think that in their profession, I think that that came first.”

The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard will re-air on Lifetime on Jan. 12 at 6 p.m. ET and Jan. 14 at 10 a.m. ET.