‘Stranger Things 4’ Episode 5 Recap: The Nina Project

There’s one big question most of our friends explore in Stranger Things Season 4 Episode 5: Who, or what, is Nina? As the agent who protected the California crew bleeds out in the back of Argyle’s van, he gasps that they need to “warn Nina” that El is in danger. He waves off the page ripped from High Times that they try to offer him for Nina’s contact info, but he gives Mike a pen and then dies. They are now, quite literally, lost in the desert.

As soldiers rip through Joyce’s house, the colonel looks on, then finds El’s crumpled note to Mike in the trash. As it turns out, the other agent is shot but not quite dead, and the colonel intends to make him spill.

So who’s Nina? Let’s find out.

Come to Papa

The safety of the world doesn’t hang in the balance if El’s undisclosed location is disclosed to us though, so we’re treated to a “12 hours earlier” chyron that I get the feeling will become important at some point in time, and El and Sam rolling up to a shack in the middle of a desert. Bwuh? It turns out that the shack is just concealing an elevator down to a former missile bunker, which will now hold something “much more powerful than a missile: You,” Sam explains. He shows her around: a team of adoring scientists looking on, a giant tank that he gestures to and says they “call her Nina” but refuses to elaborate on, and one more surprise…Papa himself, Dr. Brenner, there to help her recover her “stolen gifts,” to use his parlance. El, flashing back to the whole, you know, massacre thing, flees. Soldiers inject a tranquilizer into her neck as Papa tells her, “you’re home now.” Family reunions, amirite?

Photo: Netflix

When she wakes up, she’s in a hospital gown, head buzzed and a camera trained on her from the corner of a room that’s sterile apart from a crayon drawing with figures labeled “11” and “Papa” taped to the wall. Understandably, she starts crying immediately. But something’s off, and it’s not just her hair: She leaves the door labeled “11” and walks down a familiar hall to a familiar room — she’s back in the Rainbow Room, where the kids are doing their exercises and playing chess. An orderly dressed in all white calls her a sleepyhead as the lights flash and blink. He loops back, repeating the same lines. When she panics and runs, the same thing happens, Groundhog Day with telekinesis. He repeats his line, over and over. In the real world, a machine scribbles frantically, monitoring Eleven as a tech says “she’s rejecting it.” Sam worries that she’ll drown, but Papa is confident that instead, she’ll swim.

Her next trip on the loop, El jumps on a chair and screams into the camera to be let out. When she turns, she sees her own self, the Baby Eleven we met in the first episode, in the mirror. In the real world, Papa gets on the PA, speaking into Eleven’s time loop about the opera Nina, which deals with trauma and memory. “This isn’t real,” Eleven says, realizing. “No, but it once was,” Papa tells her. To find her way out, she’ll have to “focus. Listen. Remember.” The loop begins again, and this time we flash between now-Eleven and Baby Eleven as she asks the orderly if she’s in trouble for sleeping in, and a slightly younger Papa rolls into the Rainbow Room to begin the kids’ training. Eleven falls into line with them. In the real world, Papa says she’s “swimming now” but will have to “swim faster” as outside forces close in. She’s hooked up to electrodes in the tank, a high-tech version of season 1’s bathtub. The swimming abruptly starts going less well, with a machine going haywire and now-Eleven’s nose bleeding in the tank as in the memory she biffs an experiment and is mocked by the other kids, especially Two, who is a real number two, ifyouknowwhatImean. As he says he doesn’t know why Papa spends so much time on her, Eleven turns and finds herself in the blood-soaked hallway again. Not great — she’s pulled from the tank.

When she comes to again, she pulls off her oxygen mask, grabs a defibrillator paddle, clocks Papa and makes a run for it again, pretty spry for someone who literally just had a heart attack. Again, she’s grabbed by soldiers, but this time, she screams and they go flying, just like the good old days. Nice! Her powers are back! “Remarkable,” Papa coos, his nose bleeding. Eleven warns him to stay away and tries to give him the ol’ Jedi hand, but it doesn’t work. Her power are…not back? “I don’t understand,” she says. “I do,” he tells her.

The hatch to leave slides open behind her, offering her a choice. She takes his hand and says, “Papa,” walking away with him as the hatch slides closed.

Snow easy path

While Eleven struggles to regain her powers, Joyce, Murray and Hopper all just struggle, period. Hopper and Antonov the guard are imprisoned together, with the promise of “much pain.” Great. That probably doesn’t help with Hop’s major glass half empty mood. He delivers an absolutely devastating monologue about mixing up Agent Orange as an 18-year-old in the war, told it was a harmless pesticide. Kids were born damaged. His kid was born, undamaged, and then later died a hard death, not much later. He became an addict, and then “people started coming into my life.” He met Eleven, reconnected with Joyce, felt good about them needing him, but in reality, he needed them. The minute he sent for Joyce, he says, “I sentenced her to death, just like I did with Sarah. Everyone I love, I hurt.” He’s not cursed, he says, “I am the curse.” He and Antonov, gazing out across the courtyard at an ominous hatch where they’re told a monster lurks, are sure they’re going to die there.

Over in Alaska, Yuri loves a lot of things: peanut butter. His mother. The idea of buying his daughter a pony with all of his reward money for turning everyone he’s ever met in to the KGB, plus the $40k Joyce and Murray dropped off with him. He wonders why they aren’t more excited for their “journey across the Iron Curtain” as they take off. Family reunions all over the place, y’all!

Joyce and Murray are tied up on the plane, and Joyce has a bright idea, kicking over a jar of peanut butter to shatter it and use the shard to saw through their ropes. She reminds Murray that he’s a black belt, and he does an incredible pendulum swing, going from admitting that most of his classmates are actually tweens, but that he beat “ferocious fighter” Jeremiah “the one time,” and he’s 16. He juices himself up thoroughly, while Joyce is….unconvinced. But when Yuri notices that his prisoners are mid-escape, Murray’s fingers like arrows etc. etc. actually fare pretty well! “Turn this plane around and I will spare your life,” he says. Yuri laughs at him, but he does kind of ok when he charges him! Like, not great, but ok. They grapple right into the plane’s controls with some un-karate sanctioned moves. Joyce fires the gun. Murray again declares that his fingers are like arrows, his arms are iron, his feet are speeeeeears and then kicks Yuri right in the face, knocking him unconscious. He’s PUMPED, but Joyce immediately reminds him, “I said don’t knock him out!” Turns out, as the plane sputters smoke, that Murray doesn’t know how to fly. If you ever need a hot full minute of audio of Winona Ryder screaming, you’re going to want to fast-forward to about an hour into this episode. They crash in woods.

Man(s) with a van

Out in the desert, Jonathan, Will and Mike bury the now-dead agent while Argyle spins verbally out of control, his mental decline evidenced by his now-backwards visor, until Jonathan sends him back to the van to “do his thing,” aka smoke more weed. When he later struggles to craft a headstone for the agent out of a pizza box, both for a message that will preserve their anonymity and the corpse buried in the desert that isn’t supposed to be buried in a desert, he’s not helped by the fact that the pen doesn’t even work, even if he knew what to write. Mike has a revelation and snatches the pen, cracking it open to find a rolled-up piece of paper with a phone number inside. Nina!

Except that when they find a payphone, they only hear the screeching of a modem, a sound they know from War Games. They realize that a. Of all, they’re not calling a phone, and 2. They’re way out of their depth. They’re going to need a hacker. As Will starts humming the Neverending Story theme, Jonathan realizes where they’re headed: to Salt Lake City, to see Dustin’s girlfriend Susie. Argyle, meanwhile, just wants to talk about how much that movie messed him up, man.

Get a handyman

The agents knock on Eddie’s trailer door and examine the glowing, bulging red gash that remains in the ceiling where Chrissy went crush-y. His uncle explains that it must be a leak. I mean…sure, what appears to be a portal to the Upside Down is kind of a leak, I guess? “Pack your things, we’re moving you,” the agent tells him.

Spaghetti-oh nooooo

At Chrissy’s funeral, the Basketbros are getting even more fired up, as Chrissy’s devastated mother says that Chrissy is in heaven, but frustrated, and that she personally can feel the devil’s present. Patrick certainly feels a presence, peering through a door to see the ominous grandfather clock. Tick, tock, Patrick!

After the funeral, they gather to talk about, what else, how they really need to get Eddie, smoke him out. Speaking of smoking out, one of them brings up Reefer Rick, and they decide to scope out his house. When they break in, they don’t find Eddie, but they do find the evidence of his earlier Spaghetti-Os snack. The hunt is on, and Eddie radios Dustin, who is otherwise occupied (we’ll get to it, sheesh).

Eddie finds a rowboat and decides to, I don’t know, hide in the middle of the lake? Like he won’t eventually have to come ashore? Not the brightest idea, but I’ve never been accused of being a satanic cult leader acting as the devil’s hands and fueled only by a small amount of canned goods and breakfast cereal, so who knows if I would really handle the situation better, to be fair. It doesn’t matter anyway, because those basketbros spot him and turn out to be hella fast swimmers, gaining on him quickly. That is, until Patrick falls into Vecna’s trance and shoots out of the water into the air, another vec-tim, as the terrified basketbros and Eddie look on.

House call

The Scoops Troop is jolted when they realize that Max, pretty much constantly listening to her Kate Bush song to avoid being seized by a dark wizard, the usual, is missing. But don’t worry, she’s just chilling with Nancy’s little sister, making a crayon drawing of the bound zombie corpses she saw in Vecna’s Upside Down lair. Nancy stares at the drawing, then does some quick folding and rearranging to make…Creel’s house, complete with the distinctive stained glass window in the front door. Looks like it’s time for a playdate!


The house looks like an Edward Gorey illustration when they pull up, its windows and doors all boarded. Max hears the monster ominously groan her name as the stained glass is revealed, and then shattered by the brick that Robin throws through it, chirping, “found a key!” The group click on their flashlights inside, except for Steve, who’s verbally stunned that everyone but him has one. “Do you need to be told everything? You’re not a child,” Dustin snipes, handing him one.

Max spots The Clock and nervously confirms that everyone else can see it too, right? They can, and Steve continues his tour of all-time great line deliveries, asking why “this wizard is obsessed with clocks” and theorizing that he’s “a clockmaker or something.” As Steve and Dustin bicker and the crew starts exploring the house, the lights flicker ominously, an established sign that some bad shit is about to go down. The jar of spiders that Steve finds in a loose grate also doesn’t seem excellent, but on the plus side, he does have a cute moment with Nancy helping him pick spiderwebs out of his hair. Lucas and Max are also bonding, flirting via Kate Bush fandom. Cute! Not cute: Dustin missing Eddie’s pleas for help because he’s left the walkie unattended in the entryway to the Creel house.

Noticing the flickering lights, the crew theorizes that Vecna is close, “just on the other side,” and test the theory, turning off their flashlights and fanning out. They’re right: Steve’s flashlight illuminates, and they follow the moving light to the attic, where the lights are blinking insistently. Suddenly, all the flashlights light up and the camera flips upside down to, well, the Upside Down, where Vecna is suspended by his vines. Across town, Patrick shoots out of the lake and dies by Vecna’s hand, and the lights in the attic explode, all at once.

Body count: 1. Well, Patrick, we hardly knew ya. We won’t count the spider who heroically sacrificed itself for Steve and Nancy’s possible resurgence of romance.

Most ’80s moment of the episode: The peanut butter is in glass jars. A novelty!

Kase Wickman is a writer, editor, Ravenclaw and certified fraidy-cat who lives in New Jersey. If she had powers, she’d never have to wash off mascara again. Follow her on Twitter and Instagram, if you dare.